GRNC LAT is North Carolina's Second Amendment strike force, called into action to defend your rights. When the North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) is in session, GRNC LAT members track down legislators in their offices, monitor committee and subcommittee meetings, and generally operate as your eyes and ears in Raleigh.

As a volunteer for GRNC LAT, when bills of interest are scheduled for hearings or floor votes, you will receive a call to action. Because most legislative activity takes place on Tuesday through Thursday, we don’t expect you to show up every time. Instead, we put out a call to roughly twenty volunteers with the intention of getting enough.

Even when multiple committee hearings are scheduled simultaneously, the presence of GRNC volunteers reminds legislators that gun owners are watching what they do, and are prepared to hold them accountable for their actions.


Again, we don’t expect you to attend every time we call for volunteers. Additionally, GRNC reimburses reasonable travel expenses to Raleigh. If you want the excitement of being a frontline warrior for gun rights, contact GRNC’s Director of Legislative Action at:
