GRNC Alert 6-12-11: Media Gun-Grabbers Are Blitzing HB 650: We NEED to DEFEND IT NOW!

Our Success With Pro-Gun Legislation has the Media Pulling-out the Editorial Stops!

Multiple editorials, bringing-up the same, weak, unfounded arguments that concealed carry permittees can’t be trusted to keep firearms locked in vehicles on educational property, have been published in prominent NC newspapers over the last few days.

This appears to be a coordinated effort to skew public opinion by promoting irrational and misleading ‘Chicken Little’ fears. The problem is…the Media has become VERY good at this. We need to be VERY good at OPPOSING IT!

Some Legislators are doing the RIGHT THING! They deserve and NEED our voices to join with theirs! WE NEED to fight in the media so that THEY can fight in the Assembly. Here’s a case in-point; Representative Kelly Hastings (R, GRNC-****) has commented on the Shelby Star piece ( vigorously defending his position on HB 650 – he deserves our thanks, and some help to deflect the liberal zombies (join his comments first, and send him an email of support:

We need to respond WITH AUTHORITY in two ways: by writing our own editorial letters; and by commenting on anti-gun pieces on newspaper websites. Let no anti-gun statement be made unopposed!

It is time for US to pull out the stops! Here are points to make in letters and comments:

  • Current laws make accidental felons out of thousands of people who unknowingly transit educational property (not all educational property comprises campuses – public streets run through some, such as Hillsboro St. in Raleigh).
  • Where does mass-violence typically occur? Schools! Because they are ‘gun free zones’! See, and
  • Clear evidence, from scholarly studies demonstrate ‘gun free zones’ attract violence, and ‘right to carry’ laws decrease it: See
  • Where are school shootings not a problem? ISRAEL, surrounded by violence and hostility, but where teachers AND STUDENTS are ENCOURAGED to carry concealed weapons! See


  • Write letters to the Editor of your local paper in support of HB 650 and the right of concealed carry permittees to lock guns within their vehicles on educational property.
  • Monitor the Opinion pages of your local newspaper for pieces critical of HB 650 and weapons on educational property. RESPOND to editorials and letters – each and EVERY one!
  • Monitor your local newspaper’s website for gun rights-related pieces, especially anti-HB 650 opinions, and comment on EVERY one!

We’ve won some battles, but the WAR is still in play. If we all do our part WE WILL WIN!



  • Write a letter to the Editor of your local paper in support of HB 650, Castle Doctrine protection for North Carolinians, and reduction of malicious gun-related entrapment laws.
  • Register on the website of your local paper and monitor the Opinion and Editoral pages for content critical of Second Amendment Rights. Notify GRNC of any hostile content you encounter by email (, and respond to each item with a Comment. Use the points highlighted above to guide your responses.
  • This is a lot to do, but if we want to keep and bear arms in North Carolina, we ALL need to do it!


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