Volunteer for GRNC

GRNC Needs You !

Many have asked, “Does GRNC have meetings?” We answer: “Would you rather we expend precious resources on preaching to the choir, or would you rather we kick the tails that need kicking?” Translated, our “meetings” are the events and demonstrations we use to achieve victory. Examples include:

  • Volunteer at gun shows: Gun shows are GRNC’s lifeblood. Not only do we recruit thousands of new members and generate precious income for the organization but, more importantly, distribute thousands of legislative alerts beyond our immediate membership, leveraging our effectiveness in the North Carolina legislature, Congress, and elsewhere. Moreover, gun shows are are an excellent way to “get a feel” for how GRNC works, and are our “talent hunting” ground for Coordinator, Director and even Board of Directors-level volunteers. GRNC works gun shows across the state, from New Bern to Asheville. We would love to add new shows. If you can help, contact: Volunteer@GRNC.org
  • Volunteer for the GRNC Legislative Action Team: As one of GRNC’s most critical functions, members of the GRNC LAT stalk the halls of the legislature in Raleigh to pass and defeat specific pieces of legislation. No experience is necessary, and we do not expect you to appear every time we work a bill. Instead, we train you and ask only that you be occasionally able to go to Raleigh when we put out calls for LAT members, typically between Tuesday and Thursday while the General Assembly is in session. For LAT volunteerism, reasonable travel expenses are reimbursed. To experience the satisfaction of being able to say, “I changed gun laws,” contact GRNC’s Director of Legislative Services by e-mailing: Legislativeteam@GRNC.org
  • Tell us your special talents: Whether web design, marketing, business management or myriad other skills, rest assured that GRNC WANTS YOU! We also have lots of volunteer projects — such as mailings — for people who want to get involved but have difficulty leaving the home. For mailing projects, all expenses are reimbursed. To get involved, e-mail GRNC’s Director of Volunteer Services at: Volunteer@GRNC.org


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