What is GRNC LAT?

What is GRNC LAT?

GRNC deliberately does not hire “lobbyists,” whose interests are invariably conflicted by having to curry favor with politicians in order to earn a living. Instead, our all-volunteer GRNC Legislative Action Team (GRNC LAT) represents our “boots on the ground” to pass pro-gun laws and stop gun control.


In recent years, GRNC LAT has killed:

  • 3 gun show bills;
  • 2 trigger lock bills;
  • 2 bills which would have punished gun owners for having guns stolen from them;
  • 2 bills which would have registered law-abiding gun owners with the State Bureau of Investigation;
  • 1 bill that would have subjected gun owners to intrusive efforts by the state to monitor their medical records; and more.


Even beyond spearheading passage of concealed carry (1995), concealed handgun reciprocity (2003) and legislation exempting concealed handgun permit-holders from sheriffs’ arbitrary gun purchase restrictions (2004) plus numerous other pro-gun bills, this year GRNC LAT spearheaded passage of omnibus House Bill 650, which:

  • Expands lawful self-defense via Castle Doctrine;
  • Expands concealed carry in state and municipal parks, financial institutions, and elsewhere;
  • Improves concealed handgun permit issuance; makes ownership of Title II (fully automatic) firearms legal in North Carolina, and much more.


As a grass roots mobilization group, GRNC focuses intense pressure on particular politicians and particular committees based on the principle that, to paraphrase the late Senator Everett Dirksen: “When they feel the heat, they see the light.”

Rather than asking politicians for their help, GRNC generally deluges them with thousands of phone calls and e-mails, then stops by to deliver a simple message: “Hi. We’re from GRNC. We represent tens of thousands of gun owners across the state, and we think you know what we want: We need your vote on this bill, Senator.”


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