GRNC-PVF Alert 9-20-11: Machine Gun Social Benefit for Gun Rights Supporter and Congressional Candidate Vernon Robinson

Have Some Class III Fun!


For $50 per person, you will have the privilege of firing a magazine of ammo from a fully-automatic submachine gun (generously made available by Class 3 license holder Rob Peetz of Repent Arms).

The Owner of Eagle Guns is giving away a new AR-15 as a Door Prize.

Larry Pratt, the President of Gun Owners of America is attending as is Paul Valone, President of Grass Roots North Carolina.

Come for a night of fun and shooting, all while supporting a conservative, progun candidate for Congress, Vernon Robinson.  Express your Second Amendment rights and help Robinson for Congress save the Republic!

Save the Date!

  • Monday, September 26, 2011
  • 6:30 PM
  • At the new Indoor Firing Range at Eagle Guns
  • 3789 Roberta Church Road SW, Concord, NC  28027

Buy Tickets in Advance

  • Pre-register for the Machine Gun Social by clicking this link:  eventsignup.aspx

Legal Info

This election alert was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund.

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