Forsyth County’s RINO Sheriff William T. Schatzman Deploys Fascist Tactics in Order to Violate NC Law

He’s at it again!  This time he has taken it upon himself to unlawfully place a moratorium on a Conceal Handgun Permitee’s Conceal Carry Certification.

For the second time, this supposed “Second Amendment Supporting Sheriff” has arbitrarily infringed on the rights of the people he is supposed to represent. You may recall that a few months ago he ordered his office to collect the full employment information, including contact information about a CHP applicant’s employer.  After GRNC demanded that an applicant’s privacy not be invaded he changed the employment form to “voluntary”.  He claimed it was only intended for notification purposes; as if people don’t have cell phones and home voice messaging capabilities.  Makes you wonder what he was going to do with applicant’s employment information and history, perhaps he wanted to provide information to Eric Holder.

Now the Sheriff has established an illegal moratorium on the amount of time Forsyth County’s law-abiding citizens have to complete the application process.   Wait too long and the sheriff refuses to honor the applicant’s “Certification of Firearms Safety and Training” thus ordering the applicant retake the class.  This draconian requirement is beyond the scope of his authority and a clearly a Fascist attempt to violate NCGS-14-415.12.  By refusing to accept an applicant’s application the sheriff is circumventing North Carolina’s “shall issue” law in clear defiance of NCGS 14-415.12.

  • N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-415.12 places no “time limit” on the approved safety training course..
  • Sheriff Schatzman (GRNC 0-star) has in the past unlawfully required applicants to provide employment information.
  • The Sheriff has arrogantly chosen to ignore our requests to stop, and continues breaking State Law.

He may believe that he can ignore the Will of the People and is above the law and/or make new laws while enforcing those on the books.  Schatzman needs to learn that EVERYONE in our State obeys the laws of North Carolina – or pays the price!

  • Let’s remind this elected Public Servant who he serves.


  • Remind him yet again that he has been willfully breaking State law.


  • Let’s point-out that in-order to prevent similar rogue behavior in Florida the legislature passed a PERSONAL $5000 fine for similar preemption of firearms laws – we can do the same.


  • And finally, that should he continue trample the citizen’s rights our next step will be a boycott of Forsyth County businesses – by gunowners statewide.
  • Contact Forsyth Co Sheriff Schatzman via email and phone.


  • Try to call BETWEEN 9 and 10 am tomorrow (Friday, September 23) at (336) 917-7001, (336) 399-1442 and (336) 727-8070. If these times aren’t convenient for you, CALL WHEN YOU CAN!
  • Tell him to stop illegal collection of employment information as part of CHP applications.



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