GRNC-PVF Alert 5-11-12: Protect Your Gun Rights in the Runoff

Gun Rights Supporters:

Thanks to you, Grass Roots North Carolina’s political action committee, the GRNC Political Victory Fund, won more than three dozen races in Tuesday’s primary election.

As you may recall, GRNC is restricted by law from using organizational money to impact elections. GRNC-PVF is our weapon to elect pro-gun legislators and defeat anti-gunners. With your contributions and volunteerism, GRNC-PVF has consistently delivered hits on target.

What GRNC-PVF did to advance your gun rights

  • Published candidate evaluations for 529 candidates
  • Made candidate recommendations in 53 races
  • Mailed tens of thousands of election alerts into 7 races
  • Dropped tens of thousands of phone calls into 3 districts, including one congressional race
  • Ran radio spots attacking Rep. Chuck McGrady, one of the “weasels” of the NC House who weakened GRNC’s omnibus gun bill which gave you Castle Doctrine and expanded concealed carry

Why the primaries are crucial to your gun rights

Due to political redistricting, a record number of open seats and changed districts created opportunities to put pro-gun candidates into new districts, but also threatened several incumbents who have supported your right to keep and bear arms.

A sampling of GRNC-PVF’s victories

  • Defended pro-gun incumbents threatened by redistricting, including Rep. Kelly Hastings, Sen. Dan Soucek and Sen. Buck Newton
  • Advanced pro-gun candidates into open seats, including: Robert Pittenger (US House District 9), Mark Meadows (US House District 11), George Holding (US House 13), Trudy Wade (NC Senate District 27), and Jeff Tarte (NC Senate District 41)

Alas, our job isn’t done …

The July 17 runoff election will be crucial: Fed up with elections though you may be, there is more to do. Redistricting opened up so many races to so many candidates that in several, nobody reached the 40% of the vote needed to avoid runoff elections. Translated, we have a number of our candidates who are within a hair of winning, but have one more hurdle to clear.

July 17 runoff elections crucial to gun rights

  • US House District 8: Ardently pro-gun Scott Keadle is working to upset GOP-anointed Richard Hudson in a race that could unseat anti-gun incumbent Larry Kissell.
  • US House District 9: Pro-gun Robert Pittenger is battling Jim Pendergraph who, as sheriff of Mecklenburg County, once obstructed issuance of pistol purchase permits.
  • US House District 11: An opportunity to fill the seat formerly occupied by anti-gun Democrat Heath Shuler with solidly pro-gun candidate Mark Meadows.
  • NC Senate District 41: Whoever wins the runoff in this new, heavily Republican district will win the General Election. Gun enthusiast and concealed handgun permit-holder Jeff Tarte has pledged to sponsor gun bills once elected. In this race, Tarte would have lost but for GRNC’s help: He led the primary by less than 240 votes!

Behind opportunity lurks danger

I don’t care what your position was on Amendment One. It isn’t an issue GRNC gets involved in. But as a seasoned political operative, I have watched hard-core leftists from around the country descend on our home state to push their agenda.

The question is, why? The brought out the heavy guns, up to and including Bill Clintoneven when they knew they would lose!

Why? Because they are building an organization – as they did with ACORN in 2008 – for the biggest political battle in recent North Carolina history – namely, the fight for the electoral votes they absolutely must have to re-elect Barack Obama.

But will GRNC-PVF be able to do anything?

We have the capability to reach 244,000 gun-owning voters statewide – that’s roughly 15,000 gun-owning voters in each congressional district – using mail, phone calls and radio spots.

But GRNC is restricted by law from using organizational money to impact elections, and GRNC-PVF is dangerously low on funds. As a volunteer non-profit, we always operate on a shoe-string, and having this many hotly-contested battles is putting us to the test.

Will you help make the difference?

Yep. I’ve asked you for money before, perhaps not even all that long ago. But I’m asking again, and I’m doing it because we face an unprecedented combination of opportunity and danger. So here it is:

Please contribute to the GRNC Political Victory Fund immediately! Whether you just joined GRNC or contributed, whether you are just now learning of our accomplishments, whatever your financial circumstances, whether $10 or $1,000

We need your help!

How you can help GRNC-PVF defend your rights

My promise to you

As you probably recall, GRNC is all volunteer. Every dime goes toward defending your rights. No 3-Martini lunches, no $1.1 million salaries (unlike a certain national organization), and no elaborate offices.

What I promise you is to put your money – and we understand it is your money – to more efficient, effective use in defending your gun rights than any other organization.

With your help, we will prevail.

Armatissimi e liberissimi,

Paul's Signature

F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina*

* This message was paid for by the GRNC Political Victory Fund

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