GRNC-PVF Alert 5-4-12: VOTE PRO-GUN – Tomorrow is the last day to register!

This Primary Election is

IMPORTANT For Gun Rights!


Key pro-gun candidates face primary challenges. It is CRITICAL for gun-owners to make our voices HEARD!


Join us in making a pro-Second Amendment electoral statement…


Not only will this help get the right people elected, it will impress upon those currently holding office that WE MEAN BUSINESS AND FOLLOW THROUGH!


This will apply pressure and help move Restaurant Carry during the short session.


Early voting ends tomorrow. If you can’t vote Tuesday MAKE SURE you make it tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the last day to register and/or change your party affiliation. If you are a new, unregistered, pro-gun North Carolinian, find your nearest early voting site and REGISTER!


While you’re at it, BRING A FRIEND!


If you are not sure if you are registered, or don’t know where the nearest Early Voting site is located, use the State Board of Elections website tool located here:


Don’t forget to fill-out your sample ballot using GRNC Candidate Evaluations!


Candidate sorts by either last name or by district are available at:


To find your district and sample ballot…


Please note that district information on the North Carolina General Assembly website has not been updated to reflect redistricting. Accordingly, use this link for the State Board of Elections and then follow the link for “Sample Ballot.” If you still can’t find what district you live in, print and use the candidate evaluations from the GRNC web site which are sorted by last name.


Legal Info

This election alert was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund.

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