GRNC PVF Alert 7-16-2012: Your Vote Tomorrow has IMPACT!

Tomorrow — Last Chance to Vote Pro-Gun

Vote tomorrow: July 17

Light turnout will increase the weight of your vote!

The Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund (GRNC-PVF) is GRNC’s weapon in the battle to elect legislators who support the right to keep and bear arms. Using mailings, radio spots, email and other means, GRNC-PVF makes recommendations for effective voting for gun rights supporters.

Redistricting created a record number of open seats and multiple candidate races, opening up opportunities for gun voters as many races went into runoff elections. Anticipated light turnout means your vote will count more than ever.

Remember: Unaffiliated voters may vote in either Republican or Democrat primaries, so make sure you bring friends and relatives to the polls and vote tomorrow, July 17!


US House District 8 Republican primary: GRNC-PVF recommends you vote for SCOTT KEADLE for Congress. Keadle earned GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation and will be a leader in defending your rights. Keadle has a long history of bucking the “establishment” GOP and will represent you, not the status quo.

US House District 9 Republican primary: GRNC-PVF recommends you vote for ROBERT PITTENGER for Congress. Pittenger built a 100% pro-gun voting record in the NC Senate, earning GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation (****). Opponent Jim Pendergraph (GRNC 0-star) claims to be a Second Amendment supporter. But during his tenure as Mecklenburg County Sheriff, he obstructed pistol permits and refused to sign Form 4s for Title II firearms.

US House District 11 Republican primary: GRNC-PVF recommends you vote for MARK MEADOWS for Congress. With a perfect 100% on GRNC’s gun rights candidate survey, Meadows earned GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation (****) and has made defense of the Second Amendment a pillar of his campaign.

NC Lt. Governor: GRNC-PVF recommends you vote TONY GURLEY for Lt. Governor. Gurley has actively courted the gun vote, and returned GRNC’s candidate survey with a perfect 100%, earning GRNC’s highest 4-star (****) evaluation. Challenger Dan Forest has steadfastly maintained he is pro-gun, but initially failed to return GRNC’s survey. Forest recently returned it with a 96%.

NC Senate District 41 Republican primary: GRNC-PVF recommends you vote for JEFF TARTE for NC Senate. Through his actions as mayor of the town of Cornelius and his GRNC candidate survey, Tarte earned GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation and has vowed to sponsor pro-gun legislation once elected. He has also promised to buck Senate leadership if necessary to advance the cause of gun rights – something which has proven painfully necessary in the recent session of the legislature.

Other races: In a number of state races not immediately relevant to gun rights, GRNC did not issue surveys. That said, two candidates submitted them voluntarily and are actively courting the gun vote. They are DEBRA GOLDMAN for State Auditor, who scored 91%, (GRNC ****) and Mike Causey for NC Insurance Commissioner, who score 100% (****). Although the fact that GRNC-PVF did not cover the race makes it impossible for us to make recommendations in these races, candidates who actively advocate their support for gun rights deserve mention.


July 17: 2nd Primary Election – polls are open 6:30am – 7:30pm


GRNC is restricted by law from using organizational money to advocate the election or defeat of candidates, meaning GRNC-PVF must raise money separately from membership resources. GRNC-PVF depends on your contributions to run radio spots and do mailings. Again, because our effort is all-volunteer, we are able to put your money to more efficient, effective use than any other organization.
Please contribute to GRNC-PVF by going to:
Better yet, you can buy GRNC-PVF raffle tickets and even win a Glock 27 or a Kahr Arms CW9 at:

This alert, supporting the above-mentioned candidates for office, was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund.

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