Vote PAUL NEWBY for NC Supreme Court


NC Supreme Court race will be crucial to gun rights

Gun voters often don’t realize the importance of the North Carolina Supreme Court. The court, however, considers not only cases directly related to gun rights, but will also soon deal with legal challenges to political districts recently drawn by the new Republican majority in the General Assembly. To preserve the present 4-3 conservative majority, it is essential to re-elect Justice PAUL NEWBY to the NC Supreme Court.

Important note: Casting a straight party vote does NOT cast a vote for judicial or presidential candidates. Those votes must be cast separately.

Many of you have asked why GRNC didn’t include judicial races in its “Remember in November” voter guides. The answer is that having judges complete candidate surveys can be problematic in that having their views on specific issues expressed in writing could force them to recuse themselves from crucial gun cases.

In conversations with GRNC, Justice Newby agreed to give the following statement describing his position on the Second Amendment:

Included in our explicit God-given inalienable rights, protected by both our federal and State Constitutions, is “the right to keep and bear arms.” US Const. 2nd Amendment, NC Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 30. As a gun-owner, I cherish that right. For the last eight years as a Justice on the NC Supreme Court, I have a record of protecting our Constitutional rights, including gun ownership. I frequently speak to school and civic groups about the need to protect and exercise our fundamental rights. I appreciate the efforts of your group to educate our citizens about the importance of protecting our gun ownership rights. What you do helps fulfill our State Constitutional reminder, “A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty.” NC Constitution Art. I, Sec. 35.


Justice Paul Newby


Bear in mind too that the left has targeted Newby for defeat, describing him just today as “another Tea Party politician masquerading under a black robe.”

The GRNC Political Victory Fund
strongly recommends you vote
Paul Newby for NC Supreme Court.


VOTE on or before NOV. 6!



GRNC-PVF also recommends you vote PAT McCRORY (GRNC ***) FOR GOVERNOR. Libertarian Barbara Howe (****) is a wonderful candidate who is undoubtedly the most pro-gun candidate in the race for governor but, unfortunately, she will not win.

Democrat Walter Dalton (*) has an abysmal voting record on gun issues: During 6 terms in the NC Senate, he voted pro-gun only 53% of the time. If he is elected, he will veto any pro-gun initiative GRNC manages to get through the legislature. Keeping Dalton out of the governor’s mansion should be a primary objective of gun voters, and doing so means voting McCrory for Governor.

GRNC-PVF also recommends you vote DAN FOREST (GRNC ****) FOR LT. GOVERNOR. Lest you think the Lt. Governor position is insignificant, consider that whoever wins will also be President of the NC Senate, controlling action on GRNC’s pro-gun legislative agenda.



GRNC is restricted by law from using organizational money to advocate the election or defeat of candidates, meaning GRNC-PVF must raise money separately from membership resources. GRNC-PVF depends on your contributions to run radio spots and do mailings. Again, because our effort is all-volunteer, we are able to put your money to more efficient, effective use than any other organization.

Please contribute to GRNC-PVF by going to:




As the final part of the plan to inform hundreds of thousands of North Carolina on how they should vote to best defend their rights, we need poll workers – people who will hand out voter guides at polling places on election day, November 6th, 2012. Can you help?

If so, contact: with the following information: Your full name and full mailing address, and the polling location (or locations) where you plan to distribute voter guides. We especially need people in NC Senate District 18 (Franklin and eastern Wake counties).


GRNC Political Victory Fund


This alert supporting Paul Newby for NC Supreme Court, Pat McCrory for Governor and Dan Forest for Lt. Governor, was authorized and paid for solely by the GRNC Political Victory Fund.


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