Yet they hide their “Rights & Responsibilities” tour’s July 7 Raleigh stop from gun owners they purport to represent! |
Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and astronaut husband Mark Kelly, who fancy themselves the next Sarah and Jim Brady, having been touring the country to push for what they claim are just “background checks.” In truth, of course, the federal proposals they advocate would criminalize mundane behaviors such as gifting a gun to your mother and would further their hidden agenda to turn the computerized “National Instant Criminal Background Check System” (NICS) into a defacto gun registration system.
To divide and conquer gun owners, they claim to be shooters and have posed for photo ops of Giffords flinching off a few shots in Las Vegas and elsewhere. Gee, whiz, they say, they’re just gun owners like the rest of us and, of course, we all support “background checks,” right?
Gun control carpet-baggers in NC TOMORROW
Although their website lists Raleigh as a tour stop, it is the only stop for which the group refuses to provide a precise time and location, indicating they learned from our counter demonstration to greet “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” two weeks ago, in which GRNC’s counter demonstrators outnumbered MAIG’s participants.
Indeed, they are refusing to release the details to the public, leading one to ask: Why are they hiding from the gun owners they claim to represent? Last night, the Raleigh News & Observer said:
“Details have been withheld until Friday night, and even now the precise location has not been publicly disclosed. Reporters will be given information once they are confirmed.
“All that’s known now is Giffords and Kelly will go shooting at a local sporting clay range in the morning, followed by a roundtable discussion with gun owners, and then a picnic with local members of their gun-control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions. The couple will meet with reporters after the roundtable.”
‘Where’s Gabby?’
Since Rep. Giffords and her hubby say they want a “roundtable discussion with gun owners,” GRNC would like to give it to them. So in a variation of that old child’s game, “Where’s Waldo?” GRNC now asks you to play “Where’s Gabby?”
In fact, we will give 100 rds of free 5.56mm or 7.62x39mm ammo to the first person who identifies the Raleigh-area “sporting clay range” and time for Gabby and Mark’s little get together. Please contact GRNC President Paul Valone immediately at:
Contact your club or range and ask if Gabby and spouse are scheduled to arrive. If so:
• Ask those in charge to rescind their invitation, but not too soon: It would be most effective if it occurred AFTER arrival of the media – that will surely have received invitations.
• Contact GRNC: Email GRNC President Paul Valone at with details.
• Prepare to counter-protest: Please RSVP to with your name, mobile phone number, and the number of people you can bring. The probable time is 11:00 AM. Once we obtain details, we will call you.
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GRNC Sponsors |
Support these PRO RKBA merchants who, as GRNC sponsors, are supporting your Second Amendment rights:
Corporate Benefactors |
Point Blank Range, 743 River Highway, Mooresville, NC 28117, 704-230-0262,
C & E Gun Shows, 4225 Fortress Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060; Phone 540-953-0016 or 888-715-0606;
Dixie Gun and Knife Shows, PO Box 21049, Raleigh, NC 27619, ph: 919-781-1287,, North Carolina’s friendliest firearm community, working to
promote gun ownership in NC
Handgunners, Inc., 4325 NC Hwy 49 South, Burlington, NC 27215, (336) 570-1015
Sterling Pistols, custom pistols, FFL transfers, general repairs, Glock enhancements, 704-840-7625
Corporate Patrons |
Morris Firearms at Sportsman’s Lodge, Great handgun prices. New and used guns. Stocking dealer for Glock, Smith & Wesson, SIG Sauer, Springfield Armory, Bond Arms, Ruger, Dan Wesson and more. Buy, sell & trade. Phone: 336-961-6800 Fax: 336-961-6801.
The Blue Book Man, and
Holsters & Stuff, 4048 Sherwood Forest Drive, Trinity, NC 27370, (336) 313-6167
DoubleD Media, 8300 Raintree Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277, ph: 704-650-5555, fx: 704-544-0326
Gunner’s Alley, LLC, 203 N. Harrison Ave., Ste. 130, Cary, NC 27513,, 919-388-1991, contact: Ed Guerriero,
Corporate Sponsors |
Duncan Gun & Pawn, 414 Second St., North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, 336-667-6303,
Shooter’s Express, 2 Caldwell Dr., Belmont, NC 28012, 800-358-GUNS,
Vanguard Security Consulting, LLC, 19135 W. Catawba Ave, Cornelius, NC 28031