Just when you thought it was safe to buy office supplies, a small group of misguided moms is demanding that peaceful and law-abiding gun owners render themselves defenseless before they peruse the aisles for toner cartridges and mechanical pencils. “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,” or more accurately, “Moms Demand Gun Bans,” is insisting that the office supply chain, Staples, post its stores against the legal carry of firearms.
Currently, the Staples national policy is to simply follow state law regarding guns in their stores. Of course, this is the prudent thing for any company to do, since complying with local law is simple, safe, and any policy that does otherwise would be a political statement certain to draw unwanted attention. Surely, Staples only wants to sell binder clips and copy machines, and does not want to inject itself into the controversy of the national gun debate. It’s unfortunate, then, that Moms Demand Gun Bans has targeted Staples to force the issue. Unless your name is Miley or Snoop, becoming the center of controversy is rarely good for business. Gun owners nationwide would rather not have to concern themselves with a retailer’s policies one way or the other, but if these misguided matrons are going to try to bend Staples in the wrong direction, then Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC), and surely many others, are happy to engage in the battle. To give you an idea what they’re all about, Director for Programs at “Moms Demand Gun Bans,” Jennifer Hoppe, is deceptively referring to an accidental discharge that occurred at a Staples earlier this year as a “shooting,” which sounds like a purposeful, criminal attack. The truth is that there was an accidental discharge. It was an innocent mistake, only the gun owner sustained a minor injury, and no charges were filed. So, it was not a “shooting” at all. Hoppe wants to use this single, isolated incident as the basis to disarm all law-abiding Staples shoppers, and by doing so, empower criminals and the unbalanced who would prey on those shoppers. Hoppe also states, “Until the laws change, businesses need to step up and show leadership to keep the American public safer.” Really? Safer? By disarming the innocent and empowering the violent? That’s the sort of loose grasp on things that causes paper jams. It’s no secret that people who lawfully carry guns are demonstrably peaceful and responsible. Concealed carry permit holders receive training, demonstrate proficiency, and pass detailed background checks. Lawful gun owners prove daily that they are more law-abiding and responsible than the population at large. Posting Staples stores against lawful carry would be just like posting signs such as those you see below. Most of us will see this as a reason to buy our Post-It notes and wireless keyboards elsewhere—somewhere that is less risky. If Staples chooses to bow to the squeaky printer rollers at Moms Demand Gun Bans, surely gun owners across the country will be happy to oblige and shop for their flatbed scanners elsewhere. GRNC and its affiliated national partners are prepared to spread the word via web postings, e-mail blasts, Facebook, Twitter, gun shows and gun stores across the nation. Most thinking people understand that only the good guys pay attention to signs, and that “gun free zone” placards are really just invitations to homicidal maniacs. If Staples makes it necessary, GRNC will encourage its supporters to go somewhere else for office supplies. If it comes to it, perhaps shoppers will even let Staples know: “I shopped elsewhere. . . That Was Easy.” Below, you’ll find a copy-and-paste message for delivery to Staples. Let them know what you think about gun bans and matronly bullies. GRNC will monitor what Staples management decides to do with the demands from Moms Demand Gun Bans. Once Staples learns of the controversy a gun ban will likely cause, and the business they will lose, their management may just choose to keep themselves out of the spotlight, and continue to focus on the office supplies business. GRNC will keep you in the loop. |
Use the contact information below to deliver a message to Staples. Respectfully tell them, via phone and/or e-mail, that you expect them to respect peaceful, law-abiding gun owners. If they don’t, tell them that you’re happy to take your business elsewhere. Request that your message be passed along to Staples Chairman and CEO, Ron Sargent. CONTACT INFO Click here for the Staples Contact Web Form: (or: Select the Topic: “Store Questions” or “Something Else”
E-Mail the Marketing department at Staples: Phone Staples Corporate: 877-235-9088 Press <5> for Marketing & Advertising |
Suggested Subject: “No Gun Ban at Staples“ Dear Mr. Sargent and Staples Corporate Leadership: I understand that a small anti-gun group, “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,” is dragging Staples into the national gun debate by pressuring you to post your stores against lawfully carried firearms. I am writing to inform you that posting your stores would be a huge mistake. It would be seen as a controversial political statement that would only draw unwanted attention, and would ultimately be detrimental to the Staples bottom line. Should Staples decide to post, I am prepared to join Grass Roots North Carolina, and its affiliated national partners, to spread the word via web postings, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere about your misguided decision. I will shop elsewhere for my office supplies, and I will advise others to do the same. I assure you that being at the contentious forefront of the national gun debate would not be good for business. I will continue to monitor this issue via alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina. Respectfully, |
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Point Blank Range, 743 River Highway, Mooresville, NC 28117, 704-230-0262,
C & E Gun Shows, 4225 Fortress Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060; Phone 540-953-0016 or 888-715-0606;
Dixie Gun and Knife Shows, PO Box 21049, Raleigh, NC 27619, ph: 919-781-1287,
2A Friendly &, North Carolina’s friendliest firearm smartphone app and web forum, working to promote gun ownership in NC &
Handgunners, Inc., 4325 NC Hwy 49 South, Burlington, NC 27215, (336) 570-1015
Sterling Pistols, custom pistols, FFL transfers, general repairs, Glock enhancements, 704-840-7625
Corporate Patrons |
MK Shows, Mike Kent, PO Box 685, Monroe, GA 30655,, Phone: 770-630-7296,
Morris Firearms at Sportsman’s Lodge, Great handgun prices. New and used guns. Stocking dealer for Glock, Smith & Wesson, SIG Sauer,
Springfield Armory, Bond Arms, Ruger, Dan Wesson and more. Buy, sell & trade. Phone: 336-961-6800 Fax: 336-961-6801.
The Blue Book Man, and
Holsters & Stuff, 4048 Sherwood Forest Drive, Trinity, NC 27370, (336) 313-6167
DoubleD Media, 8300 Raintree Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277, ph: 704-650-5555, fx: 704-544-0326
Gunner’s Alley, LLC, 203 N. Harrison Ave., Ste. 130, Cary, NC 27513,, 919-388-1991, contact: Ed Guerriero,
Corporate Sponsors |
Duncan Gun & Pawn, 414 Second St., North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, 336-667-6303,
Shooter’s Express, 2 Caldwell Dr., Belmont, NC 28012, 800-358-GUNS,
Vanguard Security Consulting, LLC, 19135 W. Catawba Ave, Cornelius, NC 28031