GRNC-PVF Alert 11-2-13: Vote pro-gun in Morrisville and Winston-Salem!

Show Politicians Anti-Gun Efforts End in Short Careers


Currently led by Jackie Holcombe, the rabidly anti-gun member of Bloomberg’s MAIG group of gun control-supporting mayors (many of whom are criminals), Morrisville is in desperate need of political change.

We have already documented Holcombe’s outrageous efforts to violate state law and the rights of NC gun owners.

The good news is that Holcombe may be shown the door this Tuesday by pro-gun candidate Mark Stohlman

Morrisville GRNC members must get out the vote for this race and kick the anti-gunner to the curb.


The city’s Northwest Ward race provides another opportunity to shed an anti-gun politician: Jeff MacIntosh.

MacIntosh supported the City’s misguided resolution opposing expanded carry by state law. He is another freedom-attacker that needs to be shown the door.

Winston-Salem GRNC members of the Northwest Ward are encouraged to vote for Lida Hayes Calvert, a refreshing pro-freedom alternative. Please take your pro-gun friends along with you to the polls.


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