GRNC-PVF Update 03-27-14: GRNC Expands ‘Remember in November’ & More


As you probably know, in election years, GRNC conducts an ambitious voter education project in which we compile legislators’ voting records and sponsorship records on gun issues, deliver surveys to 500+ candidates and create a database which provides an objective zero to four star evaluation of how close a given candidate agrees with gun voters. Unlike a certain national organization, GRNC doesn’t make “deals” for candidate evaluations; the candidate gets what he or she earns, no more and no less.

GRNC-PVF Judicial Evaluation Project

For years, you have been asking for evaluations of ostensibly “non-partisan” judicial races. As critical as these races are, getting solid information on judicial candidates is difficult. They generally have no gun-related voting record, and are limited in their ability to answer surveys due to the need for judicial impartiality.

But this year is critical. Although NC normally has only a handful of statewide judicial races in most elections, this year we have seven, including NC Supreme Court Chief Justice and two Associate Justice races. The first of those vital races will be a primary on May 6. Accordingly, we have interviewed judicial candidates in statewide races, and GRNC-PVF will make candidate recommendations for each.

Sheriff Evaluations

Pushback from the NC Sheriffs’ Association in previous years, particularly during passage of House Bill 937 in 2013, has made it abundantly clear that sheriffs must be evaluated on gun issues. Moreover, we are experiencing increasing problems with sheriffs imposing arbitrary, often illegal burdens on pistol purchase permit and concealed handgun applicants. Consequently, we designed a sheriff survey and will be covering selected races. Bear in mind that no central repository for sheriff candidate information exists, meaning that covering the entire state would mean contacting county boards of election for 100 counties. We will not have full state coverage, but should be able to provide sheriff evaluations for counties covering approximately 70-80% of North Carolina’s population.


As you recall, in 2012 GRNC-PVF supported Paul Newby for NC Supreme Court Associate Justice. Newby narrowly defeated Appeals Court Judge Sam J. Ervin, IV, grandson of attorney Sam Ervin of Watergate fame. This left-of-center judge is now challenging conservative Appeals Court Judge Bob Hunter for a seat being vacated by Justice Mark Martin (a conservative running for Chief Justice).

It is crucial that we create a conservative NC Supreme Court which is friendly to the Second Amendment. Accordingly, we suggest you support Judge Hunter at his fundraiser on April 10. At the reception you will also get a chance to meet the renowned Benjamin Ginsberg who, among other achievements, helped President George W. Bush drive back Al Gore’s attempt to steal the 2000 presidential election.


Reception Details


Thursday, April 10, 2014;  6:00 PM – 7:30 PM


Carolina Country Club

2500 Glenwood Avenue

Raleigh, North Carolina

Host $2,000 | Co-Host $1,000 | Sponsor $500 | Attend $150

RSVP to Joyce Kohn:




At 9:20 AM on March 28, GRNC president Paul Valone will moderate a workshop at the Civitas Conservative Leadership Conference in Raleigh entitled “Should ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws Be Allowed to Stand?” Panelists for the discussion are Campbell University Law School associate professor E. Gregory Wallace and John Locke Foundation legal policy analyst Tyler Younts.



In this vital election year, GRNC plans to distribute 175,000 “Remember in November” voter guides covering all candidates for state and federal offices. GRNC-PVF will also be doing postcard election alerts into dozens of races. The combined cost of the projects could reach $100,000, even though GRNC gets more bang for the buck by virtue of being a lean, efficient, all-volunteer organization.

Remember: As a not-for-profit organization, GRNC is limited by law in its ability to use membership dues to advocate the election or defeat of candidates. That means we need funds beyond your membership dues. Specifically, we need donations to our PAC, the GRNC Political Victory Fund (GRNC-PVF).

Please help by making a donation of even $10 to the GRNC Political Victory Fund by CLICKING HERE or go to:




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