GRNC-PVF Alert 4-14-14:


From: F. Paul Valone, President, Grass Roots North Carolina

To: North Carolina Gun Rights Supporters

To better defend your rights, Grass Roots North Carolina and its federally registered political action committee, the GRNC Political Victory Fund, are further expanding two principal election efforts:


Please note corrections to GRNC-PVF Alert 4-13-14 for inoperative links and for two races listed:

  • US House District 3 (R): Add recommendation for Walter Jones, GRNC ****
  • NC Senate District 31(R): Change recommendation to Joyce Krawiec, GRNC ****


“Remember in November” Candidate Evaluations: GRNC now surveys ALL candidates for state and federal office for primary elections. With the inclusion of sheriff and statewide judicial races — a first for 2014 — that means evaluating nearly 500 candidates!


GRNC-PVF Candidate Recommendations: GRNC-PVF makes recommendations for effective voting strategies in key races which are contested and in which there is a clear pro-gun candidate. For the 2014 primaries, the PVF is making recommendations in 40 races, with more to follow.

What GRNC-PVF is doing for gun rights:

  • Mailing GRNC-PVF Gun Rights Voter Guides to nearly 17,000 GRNC members;

  • Mailing nearly 50,000 postcard election alerts to gun voters in races across the state;

  • Running radio spots in several key races; and

  • Conducting tens of thousands of automated phone calls in key races; and

  • Sending email alerts to over 100,000 gun-owning NC voters!


But mailings and radio spots cost serious money. Even email is a significant cost when you send 100,000+ at a time. Yes, GRNC is far more efficient than other organizations because our all-volunteer cadre of gun rights supporters do things for a fraction of the normal cost. But even then, GRNC expects to spend over $100,000 in this election.

We can’t use your membership dues for political action. By law, the funds we use to beat anti-gun candidates and elect pro-gun patriots cannot be organizational money. That is why we created our PAC, the GRNC Political Victory Fund. But PAC money is precious, meaning WE NEED YOUR HELP!

So please help GRNC continue its long string of gun rights victories by contributing to the GRNC Political Victory Fund by CLICKING HERE or going to:

Whether you can contribute $500, $100, $50 or even $25, GRNC promises you “Max Bang for Your Buck!”



We need you to not only use the candidate recommendations below, but to download and print copies to distribute to friends, families, co-workers, clubs and civic organizations. Wallpaper the state with them!

For full candidate evaluations, CLICK HERE or go to:

To download and print the Recommendations below, CLICK HERE or go to:

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