Schatzman and the NRA can’t be trusted |
Sheriff Schatzman is back at it. Not content to simply enforce the law, he’s again inventing his own laws by requiring conceal carry certifications to be issued within the last 12 months—a violation of NCGS 14.415.12. And as expected, the NRA is as silent as a church mouse—either oblivious to Schatzman’s antics, or deliberately complacent.
Sadly, this isn’t the first time. Where was the NRA in March 2012 when Schatzman decided to violate NCGS 14-415.12 by unlawfully establishing an expiry date on CHP training certificates? Where was the NRA in August 2011 when Schatzman was violating NCGS 14-415.4 and individual privacy rights by requiring concealed handgun permit applicants to provide the name, address and phone number of their employer?
And why did the NRA lie by claiming Schatzman supports repeal of our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase law when just last year they themselves issued an alert against him, using his quote in opposition to repealing the law? Actions speak louder than words and we both know that most politicians will say whatever they need to for re-election.
GRNC knows this and you know this, but the NRA brain trust hasn’t quite caught up. Maybe we need to use monosyllabic words and … talk … slower … for … them?
Although GRNC tried to oust Schatzman in the recent primary election, he is still in office because the NRA – specifically NRA representative Anthony Roulette – defied gun rights supporters by endorsing him. Hopefully, this debacle will illustrate why GRNC’s unbiased and objective survey methodology is more reliable than the NRA’s dishonest approach to candidate endorsements.
Email Sheriff Schatzman at or call him at 336-917-7327 and deliver the following message:
Dear Sheriff Schatzman:
Your on-again-off-again decision to violate NCGS 14-415.12 is extremely troubling, and I’m writing to demand that you stop breaking the law immediately.
Law-abiding gun owners first challenged your illegal decision to place a moratorium on their concealed carry certification in March 2012. After GRNC’s involvement you capitulated and removed the restriction. However, after securing your fourth term you have once again decided to flout the law. As Forsyth County’s chief law enforcement officer, you should know that by refusing to accept an applicant’s application you are circumventing North Carolina’s “shall issue” law in clear defiance of NCGS 14-415.12. This statute places no time limit on the approved safety-training course.
As a citizen and taxpayer of North Carolina, I’m instructing you to either obey the laws you swore you would uphold or resign your position immediately.
Govern yourself accordingly and be aware that I will closely monitor your actions via Grass Roots North Carolina alerts.
While you’re at it, email Chris W. Cox, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action at and let him know how you feel about Roulette damaging the NRA’s reputation by endorsing an anti-gun candidate rather than a pro-gun candidate.
Dear Mr. Cox:
Anthony Roulette’s decision to endorse Forsyth County, North Carolina Sheriff Bill Schatzman has discredited the NRA-ILA tremendously. In the past, Grass Roots North Carolina warned gun owners about Schatzman’s anti-gun leaning; specifically, his refusal to sign form 4’s, his willingness to violate gun owners privacy by demanding private employment information in the Concealed Handgun Permit application process, his defense of North Carolina’s Jim Crow pistol purchase permit laws, and his establishment of a moratorium on the concealed handgun permit applicants certification. Roulette’s chosen candidate has once again decided to violate NC’s “shall issue” law (NCGS 14-415.12) by arbitrarily placing a one-year expiration date on completion of their certificates.
GRNC warned gun owners about the threat Schatzman posed to our gun rights and the NRA-ILA willingly ignored the facts. The NRA-ILA’s decision to actively support and endorse an anti-gun sheriff contributed materially to his reelection—reelection that is now hurting law-abiding North Carolina gun owners.
What do you intend to do about this, Mr. Cox? We thought the NRA-ILA was in the business of protecting second amendment rights, but Roulette’s actions suggest otherwise.
At a minimum, the NRA-ILA owes Forsyth County’s law-abiding gun owners a formal apology as well as issuing a symbolic withdrawal of its endorsement of Sheriff Schatzman. Firing Anthony Roulette would be entirely appropriate and would further distance the NRA-ILA from his compromised integrity.
Your response will directly impact my decision to renew my membership with your organization.
An important note to Forsyth County gun owners: if you have requested a form 4 signature from Sheriff Schatzman and been denied, please email this information to Mr. Roulette at Schatzman’s GRNC survey response indicated that he would sign form 4’s, but this certainly wouldn’t be the first broken promise from Schatzman.
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Dixie Gun and Knife Shows, PO Box 21049, Raleigh, NC 27619, ph: 919-781-1287,
2A Friendly &, North Carolina’s friendliest firearm smartphone app and web forum, working to promote gun ownership in NC &
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MK Shows, Mike Kent, PO Box 685, Monroe, GA 30655,, Phone: 770-630-7296,
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The Blue Book Man, and
Holsters & Stuff, 4048 Sherwood Forest Drive, Trinity, NC 27370, (336) 313-6167
DoubleD Media, 8300 Raintree Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277, ph: 704-650-5555, fx: 704-544-0326
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Vanguard Security Consulting, LLC, 19135 W. Catawba Ave, Cornelius, NC 28031