GRNC Update 06-13-14: This Just in from Tom Gresham’s ‘Gun Talk’


This year, GRNC is celebrating Twenty Years of Victory, and Sunday you can hear GRNC President, Paul Valone, discussing it on John Grisham’s Gun Talk Radio.

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On the radio show Valone will be talking about all of the excitement and opportunity there will be at GRNC’s upcoming event: Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory.

For example, below you can learn more about the guitar that is being given away by John Lott’s new organization, a guitar that just happens to be autographed by Ted Nugent!

This gun rights extravaganza is so important that CSPAN will even be there to cover it! Rarin’ to go? See below to learn how you can even get your hands on free tickets! Click here for all the details on the event. We’ll look forward to seeing you there!

John Lott’s new Crime Prevention Research Center

(CPRC) has already begun getting the truth about guns, homicide and self-defense to the public. Now GRNC is helping CPRC raise several thousand dollars to help Dr. Lott with his crucial effort.

Win a Ted Nugent autographed guitar!
Only 50 tickets will be sold!

Beginning on Saturday morning, June 14, at 12:01 AM, Dr. Lott’s organization will sell 50 (yes, 50) and only 50 tickets for the guitar pictured here, autographed by Ted Nugent himself – the rock star, hunter, NRA board member and outspoken gun rights advocate who told Piers Morgan:

“Kiss my @$$. Where you have the most armed citizens in America, you have the lowest violent crime rate. Where you have the worst gun control, you have the highest crime rate.”

The drawing for Ted Nugent’s autographed guitar – done by Dr. Lott himself – will be held at GRNC’s “Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory” dinner on June 21st in Charlotte. Proceeds will benefit Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center.

GRNC annual dinner ticket-holders get first crack at Ted Nugent guitar raffle!

Tickets will only be sold online (with any remaining tickets sold at the dinner itself) and are $100 each (maximum of two per person).

Yep. That’s a little pricey, but how often do you not only help stomp out Bloomberg’s propaganda, but get a one in fifty chance to win Ted Nugent’s autographed guitar?

For the first 36 hours, from Saturday at 12:01 PM to Monday at 12:01 AM, tickets for the Nugent guitar will be sold only to GRNC Benefactor-level members and people signed up for GRNC’s dinner on June 21st, after which sales will be opened to the general public.*

To be honest, I don’t know how quickly the tickets will sell out. Maybe in the first 36 hours, maybe not. I do know this: If you have been procrastinating on getting your tickets to the GRNC dinner on June 21st, now is the time because, I say again: For the first 36 hours, ticket sales will go only to people signed up for GRNC’s dinner on June 21st!

Sign up for the GRNC dinner now at:

At 12:01 PM on Saturday, June 14th, an email will be sent to those holding tickets to the GRNC dinner at that time, along with a link for the Nugent guitar raffle. Then on Monday, June 16th at 12:01 AM, the link will be sent to other GRNC supporters.

CSPAN will be covering this GRNC gun rights extravaganza for national broadcast!

Get free event tickets!

Of course, you can buy tickets to the event at,  but to give you a chance to attend this blockbuster event for free, to make GRNC bigger and stronger in November (and, frankly, to make sure we turn out a huge crowd for CSPAN), GRNC is running a two-week membership drive. Act now: The deadline for the free ticket offer is June 17!

Here is how you can get free tickets to the dinner**:

  • Sign up one annual member ($30) and get a free ticket to the VIP reception with Lott, Pratt and Branca – a $25 value; or
  • Sign up two annual members ($30 each) or one 3-year member ($75) and get one free ticket to the Celebrating Twenty Years of Victory dinner – a $55 value; or
  • Sign up three 1-year members ($30 each) or one 5-year member ($90) and get one ticket to each to the VIP reception and dinner – an $80 value; or
  • Sign up one Life member ($275) or the equivalent in multiple memberships and get two tickets to each event – a $140 value; or
  • Sign up one Benefactor member ($600) or the equivalent in multiple memberships and get four tickets to each event – a $290 value.

    ** Any of the options above can include a membership for yourself.

    Get free tickets in two simple steps:

  1. Sign up friends, relatives, neighbors or co-workers for memberships at:
  2. Send an email with the names of people signed up, the duration of the membership selected by each, and your full contact information, including address and phone number to:


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