GRNC Update 06-29-14: Victories, Videos, Photos & More!


On June 21st, GRNC members and supporters got together to Celebrate Twenty Years of Victory.

At the 2014 Annual Dinner, we pulled out all the stops and hosted some of the nation’s greatest gun rights experts and proponents. One lucky guy even won an autographed Ted Nugent guitar!

If you missed this year’s celebration, you just might regret it, but we can help with that. We’re sending this update so you can at least see what you missed. Below, among other things, you’ll find links to videos and photos of the celebration. Have a look, enjoy, and start imagining how quickly you’re going to jump on tickets for next year’s annual dinner.

John Lott

Click Here
to go to the
Video & Photo Page

Andrew Branca
Andrew Branca

Nikki Goeser

Click Here
to go to the
Video & Photo Page
Larry Pratt
Larry Pratt

Twenty Years of Victory” T-shirt!

GRNC is a gun-rights machine, and what better way to let everyone know you’re on the perennial winning team than a “Twenty Years of Victory” T-shirt? Click here to order yours today! 

(or go to:

1995: Concealed handgun law
1996: Statewide firearm preemption
1997: Sport shooting range protection
2003: Concealed handgun reciprocity
2003: Pistol purchase permit bypass
2004: Handgun sale legal with CHP
2005: Domestic Violence Victims’ Empowerment
2011: Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground
2011: Clarify Title II firearms legal
2012: Repeal state of emergency gun ban
2013: CCW in restaurants, parks, schools, assemblies
2013: Suppressor hunting . . .

Order a “Twenty Years of Victory T-shirt

Click Here to Contribute

It’s true, GRNC is a gun rights juggernaut, as evidenced by all of the great victories we’ve achieved over the last twenty years. You can bet that GRNC will remain just as aggressive, and continue to fight for your rights in the years to come. Of course to do that, we will need your continued help Please contribute so we can extend our long chain of guns rights victories. Click here to donate.

(Or go to:

Additional Skills Needed for the
GRNC Alert Team:


A person is needed to expand the GRNC alert team.  Good writing skills is a must along with the ability to coordinate with personnel at various levels.  Knowledge of HTML and ability to manipulate HTML style emails on the code level.  Strong understanding of desktop publishing concepts and Microsoft Office tools.  Person should be able to translate legal, political, technical and firearms jargon into layman’s terms and make the public care about the issue.  Familiarity of a mass emailing system like Constant Contact is a nice to have.

If interested, please contact GRNC via the following e-mail address:


© 2014 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to:

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