GRNC-PVF Alert 02-24-16: Candidate Evaluations are Here!


The GRNC Political Victory Fund will again mail postcard election alerts for or against candidates into nearly two dozen districts. To do so, we need volunteers with modest computer skills to conduct mailings from their homes. Essentially, it involves making copies, printing and affixing mailing labels, and adding stamps. All expenses are reimbursable. If you can help with this crucial task, please reply with your full contact information including mailing address to

Please help us elect candidates who will defend your rights! (Note: please send an email with full contact information even if you have previously volunteered or accomplished this task in previous years.)


GRNC now surveys ALL candidates for state and federal office for primary elections. We also compile voting records, bill sponsorship and other factors to create an objective evaluation of how often a given candidate can be expected to support your gun rights. Unlike certain other gun rights organizations, GRNC is not making deals for candidate evaluations. A candidate gets what he or she earns, no more, no less.

‘Remember in November” estimates where candidates stand on gun issues by comparing their views with those of a control group of gun owners. As noted below, a “4-STAR” candidate agrees with pro-gun voters on at least 90% of gun issues, a 3-STAR agrees on least 80%, a 2-STAR on at least 70%, a 1-STAR on at least 60%. A 0-STAR candidate agrees on less than 60% of gun issues.

What Candidate Listings Mean

GRNC’s “Remember in November” project estimates candidates’ views on “assault weapons,” concealed handguns, constitutional carry, gun storage laws, gun rationing, and the Second Amendment.  THE EVALUATIONS HEREIN ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS.  We issued surveys first to a control group of gun owners and then to candidates. Next, we measured how closely each candidate’s views and voting record (if available) agree with the control group.  Pay more attention to voting records than survey results unless, of course, you believe politicians never lie.

Sample Listing:

Name      Par/Dis   Survey   Vote   Other   Eval
Smith  J   R-15     95           92       95       **** 

PAR/DIS”: Candidate’s party and district. “D”=Democrat, “L”=Libertarian, “r”=Republican. Number is district number. Example: “J Smith,” above is a Republican from the 15th District.

SURVEY“: The percentages listed depict agreement between a given candidate and our control group (e.g. an “80” under the “Survey” section means 80% of the candidate’s answers agreed with the Conservative Gun Owners).  “NR” means the candidate failed to return the survey.

VOTE“: Votes are more accurate than surveys and should be given more attention in determining candidate stance. Where available, this column indicates how often candidates’ votes agree with the control group of gun owners (e.g. a “90” under “Voting Record” indicates candidate’s voting record agrees 90% of the time with what was desired by control group).

OTHER“: Derived from evaluations by other gun groups, bill sponsorship, etc.

EVAL“: The evaluation is not a rating. It estimates percentage of time candidate is expected to agree with the Conservative Gun Owners.  The maximum **** candidate tends to agree with conservative gun owners at least 90% of the time.

**** Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 90% of gun issues

*** Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 80% of gun issues

** Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 70% of gun issues

* Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 60% of gun issues

0 Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on less than 60% of gun issues or else candidate failed to return survey & insufficient information exists to make evaluation.  Is he or she hiding something?


  • Mailing nearly 50,000 postcard election alerts to gun voters in races across the state;
  • Running radio spots in several key races;
  • Conducting tens of thousands of automated phone calls in key races; and
  • Sending email alerts to over 120,000 gun-owning NC voters!

But mailings and radio spots cost serious money.Even email is a significant cost when you send 100,000+ at a time. Yes, GRNC is far more efficient than other organizations because our all-volunteer cadre of gun rights supporters do things for a fraction of the normal cost. But even then, GRNC expects to spend over $100,000 in this election.

We can’t use your membership dues for political action. By law, the funds we use to beat anti-gun candidates and elect pro-gun patriots cannot be organizational money. That is why we created our PAC, the GRNC Political Victory Fund. But PAC money is precious, meaning WE NEED YOUR HELP!

So please help GRNC continue its long string of gun rights victories by contributing to the GRNC Political Victory Fund by CLICKING HERE or going to:

Whether you can contribute $500, $100, $50 or even $25, GRNC promises you “Max Bang for Your Buck!”


Below you will find a link for evaluations of candidates with primary elections. Recommendations for specific races will be out later this week.

For full candidate evaluations, CLICK HERE or go to:


Recent redistricting litigation notwithstanding, there is still a primary election on March 15. 

Only the U.S. House of Representatives is affected by the litigation. Other, unaffected races will still be on your ballot, including president, U.S. Senate, Governor, Attorney General and Commissioner of Agriculture. 

It remains important to vote all races on your March 15 ballot. Even U.S. House of Representatives, as though there were no litigation, in case the old districts are used after all. (If new districts are used, there will another primary election, and you will be able to vote again).

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© 2016 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to:

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