On Friday the Social Security Administration (SSA) released a draft of proposed rulemaking that would supposedly bring the agency into compliance with what it claims is its responsibility to report prohibited persons to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
This plan would ultimately strip seniors of their 2nd Amendment rights. Any senior whose retirement funds, including Social Security Benefits, are managed by someone else on their behalf. For example, you’re retired and traveling the world or just visiting your favorite National Park in your motor home and have asked your children to pay your bills in your absence. This could trigger the Social Security Administration (SSA) alerting authorities to revoke your permit to own and/or carry a gun.
Additionally, if you are impaired, however temporarily, a similar alert would be sent and your 2nd Amendment right could be nullified.
There are other factors that affect the determination to strip you or your 2nd Amendment rights, PRESUMABLY FOR LIFE. Read this Article for more details: http://bit.ly/1rqb9MG
The period for making Public Comments on this, Obama’s latest power grab to invalidate the Second Amendment for senior gun owners, is going on NOW.
Please submit comments directly to the SSA:
Click here to make comments via the online Federal eRulemaking portal (or go to: http://www.regulations.gov)
(Use the “Search” function to find docket number SSA–2016–0011);
Via fax at (410) 966-2830; or
By sending them through the mail to NICS Comments, Social Security Administration, 3100 West High Rise Building, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21235–6401.
As you know, GRNC is an all volunteer force. As such, we are looking for volunteers in a couple of areas:
Experience in web development to include HTML, CSS & Java Scripting. If interested, contact GRNC President using the following contact form: http://www.grnc.org/contact
Solid writing skills, ability to translate legal, political, technical and firearms jargon into layman’s terms and make the public care about the issue. Ability to manipulate HTML style emails on the code level is a nice to have. If interested, please contact GRNC using this e-mail address: alert@grnc.org
If you have these skills, you can help the Second Amendment fight by enhancing and expanding GRNC’s presence, ensuring our message is received broadly in these modern times.
Don’t let your talents go to waste, as you could be the difference between gun-rights advancements and gun-rights losses.
Be the person who says, “I did something!” Instead of the person who says, “I should have done something.”
© 2016 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to: President@GRNC.org
GRNC Sponsors |
Support these PRO RKBA merchants who, as GRNC sponsors, are supporting your Second Amendment rights:
Corporate Benefactors |
Carolina Sporting Arms: 8055 South Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28273; 704.554.9511;
The Carolinas’ destination for quality firearms and exceptional customer service for over 20 years. We specialize in firearms and firearms-related products with unmatched expertise to help both beginners and experienced shooters find the right products to meet their needs. Charlotte’s only Five-Star indoor range! http://csaguns.com/
The Range at Lake Norman, 704-896-3155, www.therangeatlakenorman.com
Hyatt Gun Shop, 3332 Wilkinson Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28208, 704-394-0387, www.hyattguns.com
Tigerswan Range Complex (TRC), World class outdoor shooting range that meets & exceeds the new Cumberland County range requirements. Built by former members of the elite “DELTA FORCE”. 2850 Tigerswan Drive, Autryville, NC 28318. 910-208-4117 – tigerswan.com
Carolina Shooters Club, The largest/ most active Online firearms community in the Carolinas. Come join the discussions with our firearms enthusiasts and trainers. We have dedicated sections for the ladies, training topics, political and 2A-related issues. www.carolinashootersclub.com
37 Public Shooting Range & Gun Club, 1333 Loop Road, Bunnlevel, NC 28323, 910-893-9887, www.range37.com
Point Blank Range, 743 River Highway, Mooresville, NC 28117, 704-230-0262, www.PointBlankRange.com
C & E Gun Shows, 4225 Fortress Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060; Phone 540-953-0016 or 888-715-0606; www.cegunshows.com/
Dixie Gun and Knife Shows, PO Box 21049, Raleigh, NC 27619, ph: 919-781-1287, www.dixiegunandknifeshow.com/
NCGunOwners.com, North Carolina’s friendliest firearm smartphone app and web forum, working to promote gun ownership in NC www.NCGunOwners.com
Handgunners, Inc., 4325 NC Hwy 49 South, Burlington, NC 27215, (336) 570-1015 www.handgunners.com
Sterling Pistols, custom pistols, FFL transfers, general repairs, Glock enhancements, 704-840-7625
Corporate Patrons |
Reedy Creek Realty, 1818 Medfield Road, Raleigh, NC 27607, 1-877-428-SOLD(7653), NRA / CHP Instructor & Realtor serving the Triangle area, Free Firearm With Home Sale or Purchase!, http://www.ReedyCreekRealty.com
Take Aim Training, Outdoor Range located in the heart of the Carolinas. Education; NC & SC firearms sales and transfers; 980-722-3787, 704-764-7960, takeaimtraining@aol.com
The Blue Book Man and Firearms’ Guide www.thefirearmsguide.com
Down South Ammo, Home of “SOUTHERN THUNDER” Exploding Targets, http://downsouthammo.com/
Holsters & Stuff, 4048 Sherwood Forest Drive, Trinity, NC 27370, (336) 313-6167 www.holstersandstuff.com
DoubleD Media, 8300 Raintree Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277, ph: 704-650-5555, fx: 704-544-0326 donna@doubledme.com
Gunner’s Alley, LLC, 203 N. Harrison Ave., Ste. 130, Cary, NC 27513, www.gunnersalley.com, 919-388-1991, contact: Ed Guerriero, ed@gunnersalley.com
Morris Firearms at Sportsman’s Lodge; Great handgun prices. New and used guns; website: http://www.gftc.com/
Morris Firearms on Carolina Shooters Club: http://www.carolinashootersclub.com/forums/94-Morris-Firearms-at-Sportsman-s-Lodge
Morris Firearms on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Morris-Firearms-at-Sportsmans-Lodge/336361380219
Mike Kent and Associates, LLC, PO Box 685, Monroe, Georgia 30655, Mike@MKShows.com, 770-630-7296
Corporate Sponsors |
The Aisle Pawn Shop, 216 N. Main St., Mooresville, NC 28115, 704-663-5656
Duncan Gun & Pawn, 414 Second St., North Wilkesboro, NC 28659, 336-667-6303, www.duncangun.com
Shooter’s Express, 2 Caldwell Dr., Belmont, NC 28012, 800-358-GUNS, www.shootersexpress.com
Vanguard Security Consulting, LLC, 19135 W. Catawba Ave, Cornelius, NC 28031
Grass Roots North Carolina is a 501(c)(4) organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Contributions to GRNC are not tax deductible. “Contributions to civic leagues or other section 501(c)(4) organizations generally are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses, if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business.” IRS – Donations to Section 501(c)(4) Organizations. Please consult the IRS website, www.irs.gov, or your tax or legal advisor for specific information. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 9919-807-2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State. |