Remember to vote for DAN BISHOP in this Special Election, which is only three weeks from now. Below, under ‘Voting Information,’ you’ll find information about early voting, which by the way, starts tomorrow, August 21! Election Day is September 10.  

Your Vote is Critical
Bishop’s opponent, Democrat Dan McCready, is a far left-winger with a record of favoring gun control. If victorious, McCready will surely be hanging with the likes of declared socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other anti-gun, power-hungry leftists. McCready and these others coming for your guns is a given (bad enough), but ultimately, you can count on them coming for ALL of your rights. In short, v
ote like your gun rights depend on it—because they do. If you’ve kept up with the news at all, you know that these statements are not hyperbole.

Contact Other Gun Rights Voters
Please remember to call friends and family who live* in the 9th District and remind them to vote for DAN BISHOP on or before September 10. If you’re receiving this message, and don’t live in the 9th, please remind anyone you know who does live in the district to vote.


*The 9th District covers all or parts of Mecklenburg, Union, Anson, Richmond, Scotland, Robeson, Bladen, and Cumberland counties.

Voting Information

Special Election One-Stop Early Voting begins on August 21 and ends on September 6. Check your county’s one-stop site information for specific times and locations. Election Day is Tuesday, September 10 from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Click here to find your polling place on election day, or click here to find your One-Stop Early Voting location(s). Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Election Day (September 10) and received by 5 PM three days after Election Day (if by mail). Click here to check your voter registration.

Same-day voter registration: One-stop absentee voting (commonly known as “early voting”) allows any registered voter to cast an absentee ballot in person on select days prior to Election Day. In 2019, Special Election one-stop voting for the 9th District begins on Wednesday, August 21, and ends on Friday, September 6.

Unlike on Election Day, when registered voters can only vote at their specific precinct location, one-stop voting allows registered voters to vote at any one-stop absentee voting site in their county, but only during the early voting dates. One-stop sites will have all the ballot styles for a given election at each site.



9th Congressional District:
GRNC-PVF recommends DAN BISHOP over anti-gun Dan McCready for Congress in the 9th District.

This message supporting DAN BISHOP for the United States House of Representatives was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. 


More about GRNC-PVF


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