GRNC Strikes Another Blow For Gun Rights


Gun Rights Supporters:

 I’m proud to say that Grass Roots North Carolina has struck yet
another blow for gun owners, this time with yet another lawsuit against a
sheriff who has made a point about obstructing issuance of pistol purchase
permits and concealed handgun permits.

Mecklenburg lawsuit is third filed by GRNC

Filed on Thursday, GRNC’s latest lawsuit is against Mecklenburg
County Sheriff Garry McFadden, whose office is taking nearly 6 months to
issue pistol purchase permits that are required by law to be issued in 14
days, and nearly a year to issue concealed handgun permits that should be
issued in 45 days. To see the lawsuit, you can click here.
GRNC is joined in the suit by Gun Owners of America, as well as the
non-profit arm of each organization. It is the third such lawsuit filed by
GRNC, with the first two aimed at Wake County Sheriff Gerald Baker, who is
now under a consent order to issue handgun permits as required by law.

Media whirlwind surrounds lawsuit

At the press conference held with Gastonia attorney Ron Shook, GRNC’s
primary counsel in the suit, I told the media:

“The days of sheriffs obstructing North Carolina citizens from
exercising their right to keep and bear arms under the United States
Constitution and North Carolina Constitution are over. GRNC intends
to ensure the rights of lawful citizens to protect themselves are
respected. To that end, we will file as many lawsuits as necessary.
Other non-compliant sheriffs would do well to heed our warning.”
Apparently, that made an impression, as media outlets around the
state carried the story, which you can see in the following links:
Litigation doesn’t come cheap

Frankly, I regard legal action as a last recourse because it is
expensive and if you get an activist judge, its outcome can be uncertain.
Legal fees for the suit against Baker in Wake County ran close to $25,000.

But the fact is that the ideologically-based obstructionism from
these sheriffs leaves us no choice. Moreover, we are eyeing whether
litigation is needed in Guilford and Buncombe counties.
Now I am hoping you will help us continue GRNC’s 27-year history of
success by contributing to make this and future lawsuits possible.
Please help by going to:
With your support, Grass Roots North Carolina will continue its long
string of victories in defending your rights.

Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom


P.S. Late-breaking good news: Introduced at GRNC’s behest, HB 398 to repeal our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit system passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee and will soon head to the floor for a vote. Please help us continue kicking tail: A contribution of $250, $100, or even $25 is vital to our continued success!

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