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Release date: February 13, 2022
Biden’s lies on guns & what he really wants…
Last week, one day after burial of the second NYPD police officer recently gunned down, Joe Biden stood with other Democrats to finally admit that America has a problem with skyrocketing violent crime. Unfortunately, his “solution” was to scapegoat lawful gun owners and propose new gun control to address problems the left, with its policies, has created.
This week’s episode of “Guns, Politics, and Freedom” features renowned gun writer Dave Workman to discuss Biden’s lies as detailed in Workman’s piece in Liberty Park Press entitled “Biden Perpetuates Falsehoods About 2nd Amendment in New York Comments.”
We will also discuss BATFE internal documents unearthed by Gun Owners of America suggesting that the agency is on track to digitize nearly 1 billion gun owner records in what increasingly appears to be its creation of an illegal national gun registry.
We will discuss both in Episode 88 of “Guns, Politics, and Freedom.” In addition to the show’s original Sunday time slot, the station has added an additional slot, so now you can hear Episode 87 live at bigtalkerfm. com either on Saturday at 1:00 PM or on Sunday at 5:00 PM, or you may go to “Guns, Politics and Freedom Radio Show” on YouTube at:
This and other shows are also available at: Guns, Politics and Freedom Radio Show
Drawing on 28 years as a leader in the gun rights movement, F. Paul Valone is hosting the show, entitled “Guns, Politics & Freedom”, on Saturdays at 1:00 PM and Sundays at 5:00 PM Eastern time as part of the “Sunday Night Political Power Block” on conservative talk station WFBT, 106.7 (Wilmington, NC), which streams live nationally at Wilmington Big Talker Online.
The show can also be found on Facebook at “Guns, Politics and Freedom Radio Show.” Archived shows are also available on Youtube and at
Recent “Guns, Politics & Freedom” episodes have included interviews with Gun Owners of America Executive Director Erich Pratt, Second Amendment Foundation Executive Director Alan Gottlieb, widely published concealed handgun gun researcher Dr. John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center, renowned defensive firearms instructors John and Vicki Farnam of Defense Training International, self-defense legal expert Andrew Branca (“The Law of Self-Defense”), constitutional law professor Greg Wallace (“The Second Amendment in the courts: What comes after Heller?”), and nationally renowned gun rights attorney David T. Hardy, author of I’m from the Government and I’m Here to Kill You: The True Human Cost of Official Negligence.