Stop leftist anti-gun censorship


Gun Rights Supporters:


The left doesn’t want you to read the book that could help save America.


Unsurprisingly, leftists are doing their best to censor advertising for what I hope will become the standard manual for conservative activists, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism.


Using classic “deplatforming,” both Facebook and Amazon have banned my ads, meaning that potentially fewer than 1,000 people will read a book telling them how to beat the “woke” left not only in the political arena, but in daily life.


Representative Jay Adams, who wrote the foreword for the book, said:


“To some, Paul’s modeling his book after Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals may be somewhat disconcerting, but the fact is Alinsky’s methods have been used by the left overtly and covertly for decades. I find it satisfying that Paul has refined Alinsky’s methods and turned them mercilessly against the left.”


Elsewhere, Tom Gresham of the nationally syndicated “Gun Talk Radio” called the book “fantastic,” an “instant classic” and “the playbook on how to win.” Writing in, David Codrea said:

“This is a college-level class on how to fight, and taking it makes us all the more knowledgeable and prepared to win.”


Rules for ANTI-Radicals isn’t just for dedicated conservative activists (although it contains plenty of tactics for them too), but also contains tools for anyone sick of getting beaten down by the “woke” mob in daily life.


Don’t let leftists censor this book!


I need your help. Specifically, I am asking you to do three things:


  • Help spread the word: Please forward this email to all of your conservative friends, family and acquaintances. (Note: Remove the “unsubscribe” link when forwarding to avoid getting unsubscribed yourself.)


  • Follow me on Truth Social: Conservatives need to use social media that support free speech. My username is @FPV02.


  • Please buy the book: It is available at and if you use the coupon code “GRNC,” Grass Roots North Carolina will get $7.00 for each book sold. Better yet, get it for others who need it.


Rules for ANTI-Radicals is also now available on Mammoth Nation, the growing conservative marketplace where you know your money is helping mainstream Americans.


Whether the topic is gun rights, “woke” corporations, or Marxist indoctrination of your children in school, I wrote Rules for ANTI-Radicals to help you fight back. Please help me get it into the hands of mainstream Americans everywhere.



Armatissimi e liberissimi,



F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom


P.S. Thank you for being a mainstream American, and for helping make Rules for ANTI-Radicals the standard manual for taking back our country.



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