Pro-gun candidates have a problem…


Gun Rights Supporters:

   I don’t think I need to tell you about the importance to gun rights of the 2022 elections. For example, leftist and former NC Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, if elected to the U.S. Senate, has admitted she would “be the 51st vote to end the filibuster…

          And if Beasley is allowed to cast a vote ending the filibuster, the ban on semi-automatic firearms Democrats have been trying to pass, as well as universal gun registration (aka “universal background checks”) will become law shortly thereafter.

That is one of many reasons we need to elect Ted Budd (GRNC ****) to the U.S. Senate. In addition to being a gun shop owner and GRNC Life member long before being elected to Congress, Budd has a perfect 100% pro-gun voting record and the best pro-gun bill sponsorship record in the entire NC delegation to Congress.

          The problem is that the current RealClear Politics polling average puts Budd only 1.3 ahead of Beasley (RCP Average 44.8/43.5).

That is well within the margin of error, meaning Budd could lose. If Budd loses, your “representation” in the U.S. Senate will be a leftist working to undermine your interests.

A solution … and a problem

Without showing our hand to our opposition, let’s just say GRNC is working with a high-tech organization capable of delivering millions of political messages to gun-owning voters with the intention of turning them out in November. To run the project, we will use GRNC’s “super PAC,” the Judicial Fairness Project.

The problem is that this project will require at least $25,000, and preferably more. Fortunately, a well-heeled benefactor has pledged $10,000, but this still leaves us at least $15,000 short of the goal. Moreover, we don’t have much time, since early voting starts in just a few weeks.

I realize that many of you have contributed generously to GRNC and its political action committees over the years, for which I offer you my profound thanks. 

But I’m afraid I have to ask again…

…because if we lose this election…well, I think you’ve seen what the left has in mind for you and your right to keep and bear arms…

So, please contribute generously to the Judicial Fairness Project at:

At you can also find our endorsements in critical races for the NC Supreme Court and NC Court of Appeals.

As always, all-volunteer Grass Roots North Carolina and its affiliated organizations will endeavor to put your money to more efficient, effective use in defending your rights than any other group.


Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom


Author, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism

P.S. I realize the “Biden economy,” including skyrocketing gas and grocery costs, has everyone strapped right now. But if you can contribute $250, $100, or even $50, it will help us reach our goal to ensure we elect a pro-Second Amendment U.S. Senator.

This message was paid for by the Judicial Fairness Project.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee 

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