GRNC victory in Raleigh – a recap

Gun Rights Supporters:


Sometimes, I think I do all this just to hear gun control advocates squeal. And I can assure you that this week, Grass Roots North Carolina had them squealing.


On Wednesday, GRNC shepherded final passage of Senate Bill 41, which sailed through both chambers and has been presented to the governor who, I am happy to say, will most likely veto it.


Odds of a veto over-ride


And why would a gubernatorial veto of pro-gun legislation make me happy? Because SB 41 passed both chambers by veto-proof majorities. A 6/10 majority of legislators present is needed to over-ride anti-gun Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto.


In the Senate, Republicans have a supermajority of 30 of the 50 seats. Although Republicans are one seat shy in the House (71 of 120), final passage of SB 41 drew three Democrat votes – two more than



SB 41 contains both of the measures we have long sought: repeal of our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit law and closure of the “church carry loophole” legalizing concealed carry in churches which sponsor schools.


As always, thanks are due to Republican leaders, sponsors, and pro-gun voters. But we are in the unusual position of also owing thanks to Democrats Marvin Lucas (Cumberland), Shelly Willingham (Bertie, Edgecombe, Martin), and Michael Wray (Halifax, Northampton, Warren), who voted for final passage of SB 41.


I know what you’re thinking: “Yeah, but we’ve had Democrats vote for these measures in previous sessions of the legislature, only to have them reverse position when it came to the over-ride vote.”


Nothing is certain, of course. But this time, I believe there is a strong chance the supermajority needed to over-ride Cooper’s veto will hold. Wray was actually a co-sponsor for HB 50, a different bill to repeal the PPP law which passed the NC House (and which, admittedly, he voted against).


Better yet, according to the online political publication The Assembly, “Willingham … told The Assembly that he would vote to override Cooper’s veto on any bill that he’s already supported. ‘If it comes back, I’ll still support it,’ Willingham said. ‘That’s just the way I operate.’” Even if one or two of the other Democrats reverse their votes, Willingham makes the needed 72 votes.


Wailing and gnashing


The floor fight over SB 41 was a thing of beauty. Immediately, Rep. Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford, GRNC 0-star) and the usual suspects recounted their litany of grossly inflated claims about gun homicides, all based on the ludicrous notion that criminals use pistol purchase permits.


Things got interesting when Rep. Deb Butler (D-Hanover, 0-star) tried to offer a gun control amendment (as Democrats tried in previous debates over HB 49 and HB 50) – one of several filed by Democrats trying to hang “red flag” gun confiscation orders, universal gun registration, and other obscenities onto the bill.


Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland, Rutherford, ****) replied to Butler that amendments were not being considered for the bill. Butler and other Democrats immediately began to complain, with Butler demanding that Moore explain himself.


Moore replied that he had spoken with Minority Leader Robert Reives (D-Chatham, Randolph, 0-star) and they had agreed that in lieu of Republicans using a motion to “move the previous question,” which closes off all debate and forces the bill to a final vote, that Moore would allow debate if amendments were not offered.


To this, Butler stammered that she was “challenging the ruling of the chair,” a nearly unprecedented maneuver for which she clearly lacked enough votes. Moore replied that since there had been no ruling, her motion was out of order.


Before Democrats could apply more stall tactics, however, Rules Chair Destin Hall (R-Caldwell, Watauga, ****) offered the motion to move the previous question, closing all debate and forcing a final vote on the bill. Democrats had their chance to pontificate about so-called “gun violence” and they blew it.


After the session, I offered my personal thanks to Speaker Moore by saying “Well played, sir.”


Perhaps most gratifying was the response of legislators who acknowledged our presence in committees and from the floor of the chamber. One described 2,000 emails she had received. All of this means your input is having an impact.


What’s next?


The bill was presented to the governor on 3/16, after which he has 10 days to veto or sign it. If he does nothing, SB 41 becomes law. Shortly, we will begin encouraging Cooper to avoid the embarrassment of being over-ridden by simply doing nothing.


Anticipating a veto by Cooper, GRNC will next deliver input to the Democrats who voted for SB 41 to ensure they vote to over-ride the veto. We will also deliver input to Republicans who were absent for the vote.


Meanwhile, legislative expenses continue to mount as volunteers of GRNC’s Legislative Action Team drive back and forth to Raleigh, distributing talking points and working legislators, and we send literally millions of emails costing $2,000 to $3,000 per month. (At that level, email is far from free.)


Knowing that many of you have already contributed generously to GRNC, I would very much appreciate it if you could help us out by going to:


Understand that right now, only GRNC is defending your rights in the legislature. The NRA has been AWOL, NCRPA has been largely absent, and the phony gun group calling itself the “North Carolina Firearms Coalition” has done nothing but send fundraising letters claiming credit for our work.


Please help us help you.


Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone

President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom

Author, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism


P.S. Realizing that the “Biden economy” probably has you strapped for cash, $100, $50 or even $25 will help GRNC continue to fight for your rights.

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