Stop Josh Stein and elect pro-gun candidates


Gun Rights Supporters:


            We are on the verge of losing the America our forefathers fought and died for. I have often said we are just one election away from tyranny, and Joe Biden’s nascent police state is, unfortunately, proving me right. And few better examples exist than the obscene abuses being promulgated by the ATF. The time to stop it is now.


Risk … and opportunity


            As in the past, GRNC’s 2022 election efforts were highly successful, including not only electing supermajorities in the General Assembly, but helping to create a Republican majority on the NC Supreme Court – a majority which has now ensured that after five years of being blocked by the left, we will finally get to use the vote ID law passed by voters in 2018. Moreover, the Court removed leftist obstacles to redistricting, meaning we have the opportunity to send four additional conservatives to Congress.


            But to do it again in 2024 – including defeating anti-gun gubernatorial candidate Josh Stein and electing pro-gun Congressman Dan Bishop, who is now running for Attorney General – we will need your help.


How GRNC-PVF wins


            Election laws restrict in from using organizational money to impact elections, meaning GRNC had to create a federally-registered political action committee (PAC) in order to elect pro-gun candidates and defeat anti-gun candidates.


            And that is exactly what the GRNC Political Victory Fund does. And make no mistake: GRNC does it better than other gun rights organizations. Why? Because unlike other groups that just throw money at a few candidates and call it a day, GRNC-PVF has spent 30 years honing sophisticated methods to swing elections.


            The GRNC Political Victory Fund, our federally registered political action committee, does this by “independent expenditures,” including mailings, email, radio spots, automated phone and text alerts, and most recently, using high-tech “geofencing” to deliver millions of election alerts to mobile devices.


Recent examples of GRNC-PVF success


            In 2022, when other states complained that the “Red Wave” turned out to be a “Red Ripple,” we in North Carolina got a “Red Tsunami.” Accomplishments included:


  • Electing supermajorities in both chambers of the NC General Assembly;
  • Repealing our pistol purchase permit law, a relic of Jim Crow;
  • Expanding concealed carry into churches that sponsor schools;
  • Flipping the NC Supreme Court to a 7-2 Republican majority, enabling voter ID and conservative re-districting;
  • Electing pro-gun conservative Ted Budd to the U.S. Senate; and
  • Killing all gun control introduced in NC, including “red flag” gun confiscation, semi-auto-bans, and more, all of which were D.O.A.


But that doesn’t mean we aren’t at risk…


Virginians just lost control of their legislature to anti-gun Democrats. Elsewhere, other elections reflected under-performance by conservative candidates thanks, in large part, to pro-abortion leftists.


            In the 2024 elections, we face the same pressures here in North Carolina. Worse, North Carolina is being targeted by big out-of-state money to elect anti-gun Democrats.


Time is short: Elections begin Feb. 15!


            North Carolina has moved up its Primary Elections to March 5, meaning early voting starts on February 15! Because we can’t use organizational money to target elections, the GRNC Political Victory Fund needs to raise money fast. That’s why I am asking you to help by going to:


            As an all-volunteer organization, GRNC will always endeavor to put your money to more efficient, effective use than any other group. Please help us continue our 30-year history of success by donating to GRNC-PVF!


Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone

President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Host, Guns, Politics and Freedom 

Author, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism


P.S. I realize this is the holiday season, and finances may be tight. But I urge you to imagine what gun control we might have to swallow if we lose the 2024 elections. If you can contribute $250, $100, $50, or even $25, it will help GRNC win yet another election and further expand your ability to exercise your right to keep and bear arms.


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