GRNC-PVF Alert: 2024 Candidate Information



As in past years stretching back to 1994, in coming days Grass Roots North Carolina will release candidate data in two forms:

  1. Remember in November candidate evaluations: First, we will release objective candidate evaluations for all 500+ candidates for state and federal office across NC, which are a measure of how closely a candidate’s views on guns align with a control group of conservative gun owners. As the most comprehensive Second Amendment guide to candidates available, GRNC Remember in November candidate evaluations utilize candidate surveys, voting records, bill sponsorship history, and actions by leadership to support or oppose gun-related legislation.


  1. GRNC-PVF candidate recommendations: These are not blanket “endorsements,” but rather our recommendations for effective voting strategies in races where gun voters can make a difference. Because they are analytical in nature, unlike Remember in November evaluations, they sometimes involve subjective criteria such as whether the candidate is running a serious campaign, his or her viability in the race or district, and other measures.


The Republican primary for governor has presented GRNC with a conundrum. Two candidates have distinguished themselves as Second Amendment supporters in the race, leaving our board of directors divided on which to recommend.


On one hand, NC State Treasurer Dale Folwell compiled a 100% pro-gun voting record, GRNC survey scores averaging 96%, and a history of co-sponsoring pro-gun legislation while in the NC House, and has publicly called for constitutional carry, giving him GRNC’s highest 4-star evaluation (****).


On the other, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson first gained national attention with his impassioned plea for gun rights to the Greensboro City Council, coauthored an op-ed with GRNC President Paul Valone calling for repeal of our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase permit law, garnered a 100% GRNC survey, and has come out publicly for gun rights, saying: “I got them AR-15s in case the government gets too big for its britches.”


Both candidates have expressed support for constitutional carry and have promised to advocate it to the General Assembly. However, only Folwell has said so in public. The third candidate, a millionaire conducting a largely self-funded campaign, is Bill Graham (Survey: NR, GRNC 0-star), supported by the “RINO” contingent of the Republican Party, including an endorsement by Sen. Thom Tillis (GRNC 0-star), who helped craft the so-called “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” which Joe Biden is attempting to use as a back door to universal gun registration.


Given the strong Second Amendment stances of both Folwell and Robinson, in the Republican gubernatorial primary, the GRNC Political Victory Fund recommends you vote AGAINST Bill Graham.


This message was paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.




  • PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO GRNC-PVF: Help us fight gun control while we promote Second Amendment principles. Please CLICK HERE to contribute. Bear in mind that GRNC, including the political victory fund (PVF), is an all-volunteer organization, so you can be sure your donations are put to the best possible use. Any amount helps, and any amount is appreciated.
More about GRNC-PVF


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