Certain phony gun groups just want your money. By contrast, as an all-volunteer organization, Grass Roots North Carolina needs your TIME. You see, the gun rights movement has a problem: Many of our active volunteers are getting a little long of tooth. To keep the vibrancy and peddle-to-the-metal effectiveness GRNC has managed for three decades, we need fresh blood.
No, you don’t have to be young; and no, you don’t have to be a brain surgeon. Whether young or “seasoned;” whether skilled or willing to learn – GRNC needs your help.
Why? Because it was volunteers just like you who:
- Passed concealed carry;
- Passed concealed handgun reciprocity (making your permit good in 37 states);
- Passed Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground;
- Expanded concealed carry into parks, restaurants, public assemblies, and even educational property (limited);
- Repealed our Jim Crow pistol purchase permit law; and
- Killed every significant gun control bill introduced in the past three decades.
But to continue that string of successes, we need people willing to take just a few hours each month to make it happen!
Volunteer areas needed:
- Gun Show Team: When people ask me whether GRNC has meetings, I say: “We can either spend time, money and energy preaching to each other, or we can get the word out to the world.” At most of NC’s major gun shows, GRNC volunteers distribute legislative alerts and other information crucial to the gun rights movement. Beyond willingness to talk to others, no particular skills are needed. This is a great way to start out, getting your feel for the organization and where you best fit. Many of our board members started with gun shows.
- Legislative Action Team (LAT): If you live near Raleigh (or even if you don’t), consider volunteering at the NC General Assembly, where YOU can tell politicians what they must do in order to stay in office. (And yes, that is how grass roots mobilization succeeds). By volunteering for the LAT, YOU get to pull the levers of power. Again, beyond willingness to dress nicely and speak with people, no particular skills are necessary. (Willingness to pi$$ off a politician is a plus.) We will teach you everything you need to know … and what we teach will surprise you.
- Microsoft Office skills: If you have basic skills in Microsoft Office, particularly Word or Excel, you can volunteer from home by helping to conduct mailings, candidate evaluations, and other vital tasks. Again, we need people who operate from home. You may operate individually, in ad hoc working groups, or with other teams.
- Web Design Team: Many of GRNC’s most vital communications come from our website. If you are familiar with Joomla CMS, we need you! (Some knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL is a plus.) The website team is critical to getting out timely information to gun rights advocates, voters, the media, and the public.
- Administrative Team: GRNC also needs additional volunteers at our Raleigh office to process memberships, organize mailings (e.g. candidate surveys), and much more. FYI, you will be working for a Director of Administration who personally led the chants by pro-gun demonstrators that overwhelmed one of Michael Bloomberg’s little “demonstration in a can “Astroturf” rallies.
- Media Management Team: If you like public speaking and can do it clearly and succinctly, the Media Management Team is for you. We give you full backup, including talking points, press releases, and a media management seminar.
- Alerts & Communications Team: You like to write and think you’re pretty good at it? Then alerts and communications might be right up your alley. You will write time-critical legislative alerts targeting politicians with thousands of irate voters.
How to apply
- Send an email to DirectorOfDevelopment@GRNC.org; or
- Send a message via GRNC’s website contact form and select “GRNC president” as the recipient; or
- Call GRNC at 877-282-0939 and follow the prompts for “time-critical media inquiries.”
- Your name;
- Your full contact info (email, cell or home number, mailing address);
- Your area of interest, if any; and
- A sentence or two telling why you are interested in the gun rights movement. (Sorry, but gotta keep the spies out.)
What YOU get out of the deal
Beyond the satisfaction of knowing you are part of the solution – not the problem – you get the opportunity to work and socialize with the best damned gun rights volunteers in the country, some of whom have been with GRNC for three decades. Even people who don’t have fixed jobs, but instead perform “ad hoc” tasks get to enjoy the camaraderie of GRNC’s (slightly jaded) email leadership network.
Oh, and if you like, you may get the “insiders” view of gun rights politics – something which will give you skills you never even knew you needed. The skills you learn will be valuable for HOAs, clubs, zoning and ordinance fights, city councils, and more.
If you can help, even with just a few hours per month, Grass Roots North Carolina needs you! To steal from the WWII poster of “Rosie the Riveter,” with your help (and only with your help) …