Even if you called and e-mailed the Pitt Co. Commissioners before, please do it again! The Commissioners Persist in violating your rights! There are now new Commissioners on the commission that need to hear your message! The Pitt
County Board of
apparently thinks
it can
be the Grinch with
your rights!. In
response to your
opposition to their
proposal to virtually
end shooting on
private property, they
voted down the
original proposal, but
then came up with a
“better” version which
is even more
miserly, even Scrooge
like. Problems
with the revised
Pitt Co. discharge
As GRNC’s Legal Affairs Director put it:
Regardless of where you
live or how many times
you have already
contacted them, GRNC
needs you to
immediately CALL
Pitt County
Commissioners and
demand that they stop
efforts to restrict
shooting on private
property. This
malicious ban on
shooting is a
contagion that could
spread to other
counties and must be
Copy & paste list: (Note: The copy and paste list does not include Commissioner Lauren White, who opposes the ordinance. To express your thanks for her opposition, you may email her at her e-mail address listed below):
rochelle@rochellebrown.net; ann.floydhuggins@pittcountync.gov; benji.holloman@pittcountync.gov; king2006mac@yahoo.com; Chris.Nunnally@gmail.com; pittcounty.commissionerd2@gmail.com; mark.smith@pittcountync; mac1958@centurylink.net
Phone numbers (all numbers 252 area code): Rochelle Brown 702-1987 Ann Floyd Huggins 252-757-1444 Benji Holloman 714-6311 Melvin C. McLawhorn 327-6559 Christopher Nunnally 917-7374 Mary Perkins-Williams 751-6686 Mark C. Smith 916-5171 Mac Manning 341-0001
Suggested Subject: “Don’t be a Grinch – Oppose ‘Discharge of Firearms Ordinance'”
Pitt County Commissioners:
I strongly urge you to oppose any proposed “Discharge of Firearms Ordinance” as a meddling political response to irresponsible activity affecting a very small area of Pitt County. The fact that your sheriff refuses to enforce existing law does not justify restrictions on the ability of lawful citizens to shoot on private property.
With the latest version, it you are playing a “shell game” to hide restrictions inside arcane language. And during the Christmas Holidays you’re being miserly and downright Scrooge like with the public’s rights!
Among the proposed ordinance’s many subtle “gotchas”:
By adding “shooting range” restrictions to private property owners simply shooting on their own property, you are nullifying their rights under the Second and Fifth Amendments. Please be aware that I will be closely monitoring your actions through Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.
We Need
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