Grass Roots North Carolina, P.O. Box 10665, Raleigh, NC 27605
877-282-0939, https://grnc.org/wp/, Fax: 919-573-0354
Schedule Change Due to Illness
Join us at the NC General Assembly February 5, 2025!
Show NC legislators you are serious about
NC Concealed Carry !
In coming days, Representative Keith Kidwell (R-Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, GRNC ****) will introduce another bill for permitless concealed carry. Like House Bill 189, introduced in the last session of the General Assembly, the bill will leave intact the concealed handgun permit system for purposes of reciprocity with other states and bypassing the National Instant Background Check System for gun purchases. Unlike that bill, it will not contain weakening provisions demanded by then-Speaker Tim Moore R-14, ***). |
Nope, not money. Please help show we are serious about constitutional carry by joining GRNC volunteers at the legislature on Wednesday, February 5th at 0830 EST at the NC General Assembly on 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601. [Note: Visitor Lot #1 is closest.]
We will be doing a literature drop to start prepping the legislature for passage of several pieces of pro-gun legislation. See accompanying maps for parking information and building layout. |
When: Wednesday, February 5th, at 8:30 AM
Where: NC General Assembly, 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601, in front of Printed Bills office (1300 courtyard)
Why: To show NC legislators you are serious about defending your rights
- Attend the literature drop: NC General Assembly, Feb. 5, 8:30 AM, details above
- Sign the constitutional carry petition: This is a new petition to be presented to NC House Speaker Destin Hall, meaning you need to sign even if you did last year.
Better yet, send the link to friends and relatives. Find that petition at: grncalert.com/pass-constitutional-carry-2025-2026/
- Help GRNC make it happen: I realize you may already have donated, for which you have our profound thanks. But GRNC is still dangerously low on funds after the election. Please contribute at: grnc.org/wp/2012/06/donate-to-or-join-grnc/
We Need Alert Writers
In order to continue to offer these critical email alerts in a timely and effective fashion, GRNC needs more alert writers. If you have general writing ability, basic computer skills, a desire to defend the Bill of Rights, and a few hours a week, GRNC would love to bring you on board as an important member of our writing team. Note that a few hours a week, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more, is a small tradeoff for the immense satisfaction you’ll feel after you have direct involvement in killing anti-gun bills, expanding gun rights, and stopping short the political careers of gun-grabbing legislators.
Contact Us
Please, we need you. If you feel at all called to pitch in and defend the Second Amendment, there is nothing better you could do than volunteer for North Carolina’s most effective, no-compromise gun rights organization, Grass Roots North Carolina. If interested, we’d love to hear from you, please email: alertwriter@grnc.org with the subject line: “Alert Writer Inquiry.” Thanks!
© 2025 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to: President@GRNC.org
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Bear Creek Arsenal
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540-953-0016 or 888-715-0606
http://www.cegunshows.com/ |
Carolina Firearms Forum