Representative Keith D. Kidwell
NC House District 79
16 West Jones Street, Rm. 1206
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096
North Carolina gun rights supporters:
In the four terms I’ve had the honor to represent folks like you in the North Carolina House, Grass Roots North Carolina has always been there defending your rights. In fact, GRNC has been our state’s most effective gun rights group for 31 years.
By getting your voice to your government, GRNC has shepherded passage of concealed carry, Castle Doctrine/Stand-Your-Ground, concealed handgun reciprocity, range protection, statewide firearms preemption, repeal of our Jim Crow-era pistol purchase statute, and numerous enhancements to our concealed handgun permit law.
Most recently, I’ve coordinated with GRNC as, for the second time, I introduced a bill for permitless or “constitutional” carry.
No lawful citizen should need a government permission slip
to carry a firearm for protection.
My legislation is House Bill 5, “NC Constitutional Carry Act,” and it will enable law-abiding North Carolinians to protect themselves exactly as in the 29 states that already passed some version of constitutional carry. I would note that constitutional carry has been a problem in exactly none of the 29 states that have passed it.
To people who quibble over whether bills being considered are “true” constitutional carry – which probably doesn’t even exist because every state differs – I’m here to tell you that by removing the need for government permission to carry concealed handguns for self-protection, HB 5 is a giant leap forward.
We lost our rights incrementally, and we will have to get them back incrementally. Rest assured that once we get HB 5 on the books, I’m going to do exactly what gun ban advocates do: go back again to continue striking down generations of infringement on the Second Amendment.
GRNC scares politicians because, unlike some other groups, they aren’t in it for money. As an all-volunteer organization, every dime GRNC takes in goes toward defending your rights.
I’m asking you to do three things:
Contact your legislators: Tell them to get behind constitutional carry.
Sign GRNC’s constitutional carry petition: The petition will be presented to NC House Speaker Destin Hall. Better yet, send the link to friends and relatives. The more, the better.
Donate to GRNC: As an all-volunteer organization, GRNC vows to use your money more efficiently and effectively in defending your rights than any other group.
With your help, Grass Roots North Carolina and I will continue defending your rights.
Respectfully yours,
Keith D. Kidwell
House Representative, District 79