Grass Roots North Carolina, P.O. Box 10665, Raleigh, NC 27605
877-282-0939, https://grnc.org/wp/, Fax: 919-573-0354
Odds of NC becoming the 30th state to adopt permitless concealed handgun carry increased dramatically this week when Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger (R-Guilford, Rockingham, GRNC ***) signed on as a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 50 (“Freedom to Carry NC”), which is nearly identical to Rep. Keith Kidwell’s
House version, House Bill 5 (“NC Constitutional Carry”).
In the last session, Rep. Kidwell’s permitless carry bill, HB 189, died after the powerful Sen. Berger stated to the press that because the legislature had repealed our purchase permit law, legislators had no “need” to pass another gun bill.
Berger’s reversal this year signals that the Senate will likely fast track SB 50, thanks in large part to the 7,000-signature petition GRNC delivered to Berger in a press conference at his office, and to the many thousands of emails sent to him by GRNC supporters. GRNC thanks Sen. Berger for reconsidering his earlier reluctance to pass constitutional carry.
Both bills contain a relatively minor flaw regarding concealed carry on posted property which all sponsors have agreed to correct by amendment or “proposed committee substitute.” Other legislation will be introduced to broaden concealed carry to include knives and other weapons.
Primary sponsors for HB 5 are Reps. Keith Kidwell (R-Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, ****), Jay Adams (R-Catawba, ****), Ben Moss (R-Moore, Richmond, ****) and freshman Brian Echevarria (R-Cabarrus, ****). Primary sponsors for SB 50 are Sens. Danny Britt (R-Hoke, Robeson, Scotland, GRNC ****), Warren Daniel (R-Buncombe, Burke, McDowell ****), and Eddie Settle (R-Alexander, Surry, Wilkes, Yadkin, ****). Both bills are currently in their respective Rules, Calendar and Operations committees.
- IMMEDIATELY CONTACT REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP: Contact both Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and Speaker
Destin Hall to thank them for their support and urging them to give prompt committee hearings to HB 5 and SB 50. Use the links provided in the previous sentence for their contact information. Call and/or email the two leaders to thank them and to encourage them to advance these bills.
- IMMEDIATELY CONTACT ALL RULES COMMITTEE REPUBLICANS: Both Rules Committees (for House and Senate) need to hear loud and clear that you want a prompt committee hearing for HB 5 and SB 50. See contact information below.
Please send two messages. Below, find two copy-paste email lists, one for the House and one for the Senate. Below that, find the copy-paste email message.
We are still low on funds after our highly successful election effort. Please donate by going to: grnc.org/wp/2012/06/donate-to-or-join-grnc/
NC HOUSE Rules Committee (copy-paste email list):
Reece.Pyrtle@ncleg.gov; Blair.Eddins@ncleg.gov; Brenden.Jones@ncleg.gov; Charles.Miller@ncleg.gov; Donna.White@ncleg.gov; Erin.Pare@ncleg.gov; Jimmy.Dixon@ncleg.gov; John.Torbett@ncleg.gov; John.Bell@ncleg.gov; Karl.Gillespie@ncleg.gov; Kelly.Hastings@ncleg.gov; Kyle.Hall@ncleg.gov; Neal.Jackson@ncleg.gov; Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.gov; Steve.Tyson@ncleg.gov; Ted.Davis@ncleg.gov; Tricia.Cotham@ncleg.gov; William.Brisson@ncleg.gov
NC SENATE Rules Committee (copy-paste email list):
Amy.Galey@ncleg.gov; Benton.Sawrey@ncleg.gov; Bill.Rabon@ncleg.gov; Brent.Jackson@ncleg.gov; Danny.Britt@ncleg.gov; Lisa.Barnes@ncleg.gov; Michael.Lazzara@ncleg.gov; Michael.Lee@ncleg.gov; Norman.Sanderson@ncleg.gov; Paul.Newton@ncleg.gov; Ralph.Hise@ncleg.gov; Todd.Johnson@ncleg.gov; Tom.McInnis@ncleg.gov; Vickie.Sawyer@ncleg.gov; Warren.Daniel@ncleg.gov
Suggested Subject: “Advance Constitutional Carry Bills HB 5 & SB 50”
Dear Rules Committee Members:
As a Grass Roots North Carolina member, I thank you for your support and strongly urge you to give a prompt committee hearing to permitless or “constitutional” carry bills HB 5 and SB 50.
Fully 29 states have already adopted constitutional carry, with none of its naysayers’ dire predictions coming true. In fact, the Crime Prevention Research Center finds a small but significant reduction in violent crime among states which adopt permitless carry.
North Carolina Republicans are now lagging their counterparts in other states. Accordingly, I strongly urge you to bring constitutional carry to a prompt committee hearing and floor vote.
I will be monitoring your actions through Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.
We Need Alert Writers
In order to continue to offer these critical email alerts in a timely and effective fashion, GRNC needs more alert writers. If you have general writing ability, basic computer skills, a desire to defend the Bill of Rights, and a few hours a week, GRNC would love to bring you on board as an important member of our writing team. Note that a few hours a week, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more, is a small tradeoff for the immense satisfaction you’ll feel after you have direct involvement in killing anti-gun bills, expanding gun rights, and stopping short the political careers of gun-grabbing legislators.
Contact Us
Please, we need you. If you feel at all called to pitch in and defend the Second Amendment, there is nothing better you could do than volunteer for North Carolina’s most effective, no-compromise gun rights organization, Grass Roots North Carolina. If interested, we’d love to hear from you, please email: alertwriter@grnc.org with the subject line: “Alert Writer Inquiry.” Thanks!
© 2025 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to: President@GRNC.org
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Support these PRO RKBA merchants who, as GRNC sponsors, are supporting your Second Amendment rights:
Become a ‘PRO RKBA’ Corporate Sponsor and Advertiser!
Bear Creek Arsenal
Bear Creek Arsenal is a veteran-owned manufacturer of AR9, AR10, and AR15 rifles, pistols, and components located in Sanford, N.C. All our products can be purchased directly from the factory at: https://www.bearcreekarsenal.com/ Made in America.
310 McNeill Rd, Sanford, NC 27330 Phone:919 566-0778
Black Hawk International Security, LLC
6255 Town Center Dr #708
Clemmons NC 27012
Business phone: (336) 714-3484
Owner: David Leonard Email: DLeonard@BHiSecurity.net
Blue Ridge Marksmanship |
A wide variety of courses offered.
827 Roaring Fork Road
Burnsville, NC 28714
Mailing Address:
Blue Ridge Marksmanship
77 Morgan Branch Rd.
Weaverville, NC 28787
C & E Gun Shows |
P.O. Box 11209
Blacksburg, VA 24062
540-953-0016 or 888-715-0606
http://www.cegunshows.com/ |
Carolina Firearms Forum
Carolina Gunrunners
1141 Falls River Ave #110
Raleigh, NC 27614
We have changed the concept of the local gun store. Quality products, expertise, and friendly customer service are all packaged in a family friendly setting with fair pricing.
Carolina Sporting Arms |
The Carolinas’ destination for quality firearms and exceptional customer service for over 20 years. We specialize in firearms and firearms-related products with unmatched expertise to help both beginners and experienced shooters find the right products to meet their needs. Charlotte’s only Five-Star indoor range! www.csaguns.com |
Cornbread Tactical LLC
new benefactor
969 Rivers St.
Boone, NC 28607
DD Media
8300 Raintree Lane
Charlotte, NC 28277
phone: 704-650-5555, fax: 704-544-0326 |
Dr. Dan’s Freedom Forum & Freedom Forum Radio
Dr. Dan’s Freedom Forum and Freedom Forum Radio is a call to arms for American Patriots who will stand up now as our Founding Fathers did to defend the Constitution, Natural Law Rights, and Freedoms guaranteed to each of us.
Dixie Deer Classic |
www.dixiedeerclassic.org |
Dixie Gun and Knife Shows |
PO Box 21049
Raleigh, NC 27619
919-781-1287 |
Hyatt Farms Shooting Complex
990 Burnsville Church Road.
Polkton, NC 28135
Biz phone: 704-826-6014
Mobile 704-6618229
North Carolina’s newest outdoor shooting complex in Anson County, one hour East of Charlotte.
Sporting clays 600-yard rifle and pistol bays with steel targets.
Visit our website for membership and event prices. |
Hyatt Guns |
3332 Wilkinson Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28208
704-394-0387 |
MK Shows |
Mike Kent
PO Box 685
Monroe, GA 30655
770-630-7296 |
Ronald J. Shook II
Ron is a ferocious supporter of the Second Amendment. He has twice sued Sheriff Garry McFadden on behalf of GRNC for his unconstitutional treatment of gun permitting in Mecklenburg County. Ron is a lifetime member of GRNC, and he is licensed to practice in all NC State and Federal Courts. He has helped people all over the state to restore their gun rights, and he frequently represents individuals on appeal for denial of a concealed handgun permit. Ron has proven that he is the “go-to” guy when it comes to gun rights in North Carolina. If you are looking to restore your gun rights after a felony conviction, or involuntary commitment, or you have been wrongly denied a concealed handgun permit or firearm purchase, Ron can help!
Tel. 704.671.2390
121 E. Main Ave. Gastonia, NC 28052
NC Ordnance
Over 2,400 finest reproduction US & Foreign grips and buttplates
Bill Harvey/Owner
PO Box 3254
(252) 237-2440
Triangle Shooting Academy |
The #1 indoor shooting range in the Carolinas. Shop, shoot and learn. Open to the public.
6501 Mt. Herman Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27617
(919) 802-2040 |
Pawn, Purchase, Sell, New & Used Merchandise, Firearms, Gold and Misc.
Jeff Darden/ Owner, 5721 Bragg Blvd, Fayetteville, NC 28303
Website: https://goldbuyerfayettevillenc.net
email: AcePawn57@aol.com Phone: 910-867-4010 |
Interesting gun-related links and more. www.BrainLubeOnline.com |
Concealed Carry Academy |
Concealed carry permit course. We teach for NC, FL, TN, VA and other states. Instructors are law enforcement/military. State Certified. Hands-on, personal attention, all ages especially seniors. Call: 828-356-5454 or visit www.wecancarry.com – “The most recommended course.” Individual and Group rates. Will travel. |
Duncan Gun & Pawn |
414 Second St.
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Ed’s Gun Shop |
5560 US 1 Hwy
Vass, NC 28394
Phone: 910-692-7936, Fax: 910-692-4867
The Range at Ballantyne
The Range at Lake Norman
10913 Bailey Road
Cornelius, NC
10913 Bailey Rd
Cornelius, NC 28031
www.therangeatlakenorman.com bsisson@therangeatlakenorman.com 704-896-3155
Shooter’s Express |
2 Caldwell Dr.
Belmont, NC 28012
800-358-GUNS (4867)
TacticalGearOps |
888-285-2649 |
Vanguard Security Consulting, LLC |
19135 W. Catawba Ave
Cornelius, NC 28031 |
Grass Roots North Carolina is a 501(c)(4) organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Contributions to GRNC are not tax deductible. “Contributions to civic leagues or other section 501(c)(4) organizations generally are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses, if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business.” IRS – Donations to Section 501(c)(4) Organizations. Please consult the IRS website, www.irs.gov, or your tax or legal advisor for specific information.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State.