GRNC Press Release 09-02-17: Self-Defense During Natural Disasters


Release date: September 2, 2017

Link to release:


New Radio Show Highlights

Hot Topics in Gun Rights


This week’s show examines…

… can you use guns to defend your family and property during natural disasters?



Drawing on 23 years as a leader in the gun rights movement, F. Paul Valone is hosting a new show entitled “Guns, Politics & Freedom” on Sundays at 5:00 PM Eastern time as part of the “Sunday Night Political Power Block” on conservative talk station WFBT, 106.7 (Wilmington, NC), which streams live nationally at


This Sunday (September 3), “Guns, Politics and Freedom” will examine what you may legally do to protect yourself, your family and your property during natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey, and during civil unrest. GPF’s featured guest will be Alan Gottlieb, author of nineteen books and the Executive Director of the Second Amendment Foundation, which has litigated to expand your right to self-protection during states of emergency.


Recent “Guns, Politics & Freedom” episodes have included interviews with renowned defensive firearms instructors John and Vicki Farnam, self-defense legal expert Andrew Branca (“The Law of Self-Defense”) and constitutional law professor Greg Wallace (“The Second Amendment in the courts: What comes after Heller?”).


Archived episodes of “Guns, Politics & Freedom” can be heard or downloaded at:

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