This archived page was for 2018.  Please refer to the 2020 info here:







2018 Recommendations below:




As you may know, special elections are being held in two of North Carolina’s congressional districts: The 3rd and the 9th Congressional Districts. As you will see below, each congressional primary election has a different date. As always, vote like your gun rights depend on it, because they do.

Candidate recommendations versus evaluations: Below are recommendations for effective voting strategies by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Candidate recommendations, which are more limited than blanket “endorsements,” are not made in all races, only in races where a clear pro-gun candidate stands out or where strategic voting is necessary to keep anti-gun candidates out of office.

Recommendations differ from GRNC candidate evaluations. While the evaluations are intended to provide an objective measure of where candidates stand on Second Amendment issues, GRNC–PVF recommendations are analytical and therefore subject to interpretation. For a full explanation of GRNC’s objective star evaluations, go to:

Important note: Candidates who lack voting records or other history on Second Amendment issues and who fail to return GRNC’s candidate survey automatically receive a zero star evaluation (0) on the assumption that they are hiding their position from gun voters. Every election year, we receive complaints about ostensibly pro-gun candidates who receive zero star evaluations due to failure to return the survey. Each candidate is mailed a survey to the address he or she registered with the State Board of Elections. If they fail to return the survey, we cannot help candidates who will not help themselves.

Voting instructions

For the 3rd District: Primary election One-Stop Early Voting began on April 10 and ends on April 26. Check your county’s one-stop site information for specific times. Primary Election Day is April 30 from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Click here to find your polling place on election day, or click here to find your One-Stop Early Voting place. Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Primary Election Day (April 30) and received by 5 PM 3 days after Primary Election Day (if by mail). Click here to check your voter registration.

For the 9th District: Primary election One-Stop Early Voting begins on April 24 and ends on May 10. Check your county’s one-stop site information for specific times. Primary Election Day is May 14 from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Click here to find your polling place on election day, or click here to find your One-Stop Early Voting place. Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Primary Election Day (May 14) and received by 5 PM 3 days after Primary Election Day (if by mail). Click here to check your voter registration.

Same day voter registration: One-stop absentee voting (commonly known as “early voting”) allows any registered voter to cast an absentee ballot in person on select days prior to Election Day. In 2019, primary election one-stop voting for the 3rd District began on Wednesday, April 10, and ends on Friday, April 26.

One-stop voting for the 9th District begins on Wednesday, April 24, and ends on Friday, May 10.

Unlike on Election Day, when registered voters can only vote at their specific precinct, one-stop voting allows registered voters to vote at any one-stop absentee voting site in the county. One-stop sites will have all the ballot styles for a given election at each site.




3rd Congressional District: First, we wish to note that there are numerous solid Second Amendment candidates in the race, and it is difficult to pick one. The candidate we DO NOT recommend is NC House Representative Greg Murphy, who has repeatedly voted against the interests of gun owners. In this race, GRNC-PVF has no choice but to stick with a proven pro-gun candidate who has acted as primary sponsor for a number of pro-gun bills. Accordingly, GRNC-PVF recommends MICHAEL SPECIALE for Congress in the 3rd District.

9th Congressional District: Again, there are several pro-gun candidates but, unfortunately, the party “favorite,” NC Senator Dan Bishop, is not foremost among them. Former state senator Fern Shubert is indeed a friend of gun owners, but does not appear to be running an effective campaign. In this race, the standout candidate is Stony Rushing, who is a firing range owner, GRNC supporter and the pick of Mark Harris, the candidate who truly won this election but is not running in the re-vote. Accordingly, GRNC-PVF recommends STONY RUSHING for Congress in the 9th District.

This message supporting MICHAEL SPECIALE and STONY RUSHING for the United States House of Representatives was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. 

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