You likely know that Grass Roots North Carolina is an all-volunteer organization. Those who step up sacrifice their treasured time and energy to protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Today, we want to take a moment to recognize yet another volunteer who truly has distinguished himself. Congratulations to Frank H., April’s Volunteer of the Month. Frank is one of GRNC’s original founders, which means he has been at it since 1994. He was one of the organizers of the original rally in Raleigh, on July 2, 1994, which is the rally that created the organization. In the early days, before membership was as large as it is today, volunteers actually assembled and mailed GRNC newsletters on Frank’s dining room table, and many times, Frank himself has assembled and mailed Remember in November displays to gun shops. On top of all that, for twenty-five years, Frank has worked the gun shows in Charlotte tirelessly, through thick and thin, and regardless of personal hardships.
Let’s give Frank, one of GRNC’s founding fathers, a (virtual) round of applause for his dedication to the organization, and for doing more than his part to protect our rights.