The matter of gun control – aka population control – has always been one of the pro-liberty side ‘compromising’ while the anti-gunners on the left give up nothing. It is no different this time around except for the fact that Trump and other Republicans are risking 2020 if they surrender… 

Word has it that “Republican” Pat Toomey made more suggestions to President Trump on restricting your liberty and that the President has also met with Joe Manchin on the matter.  Congress is set to return on Monday (9/9) and Mitch McConnell says that he is following Trump’s lead on running gun control to the Senate floor.

It is wrong for Trump to pull an “art-of-the-deal” move with Americans’ human rights, especially when doing so will only undermine the support Trump needs from his base. Trump’s threat to horse-trade with the Second Amendment simultaneously places your gun rights and Trump’s reelection at risk. The reasonable, freedom-loving American people, i.e. Trump’s base, are not willing to sacrifice the Second Amendment for the false security of feel-good measures. American gun owners and other supporters of the Bill of Rights know that these measures are not benign, that they are designed by the left to blossom into universal gun registries, dystopian pre-crime courts, and all-out gun bans.

Trump’s History of Wisdom
Fortunately, the President is a smart guy who respects the voices he hears from real America. Except for the ill-advised bump stock ban, when he started down the pop-culture-approved path of gun control in the past, Trump ultimately responded to his base, which admonished him to return to the narrow path. This means, if you and other gun owners make it clear to Mr. Trump, once again, that we will not accept gun control, even from him, he ought to respond appropriately (it is certainly hoped).

Ripple Effect Risks 2020
If the President does not change course on gun control, gun rights will not only be in danger for the moment, but the danger will be ever-increasing due to the ripple effect of Trump selling out gun owners. After a Trump capitulation, the greatest dangers come in the shape of 2020 losses due to the failure of the White House and other Republicans to hold the line. Rejection of his base could cost Trump and other Republicans the Senate, dashing any hopes of recovering the House, and possibly sending a new, rabidly anti-gun resident to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 





  • PHONE & EMAIL THE PRESIDENT & SENATORS McCONNELL, BURR AND TILLIS: Use the contact information provided below, and use the copy-paste text provided under ‘Deliver This Message’ for the email.
I am calling today with a very simple message: the American people will accept exactly zero gun control, no matter which party it comes from. The Second Amendment is not yours to make an artful deal with, no matter how badly you’d like positive reviews in the left-wing New York Times. Furthermore, if you enact leftist gun control measures, you’re risking major losses in 2020—without a doubt. I demand that you NOT capitulate to the left, that you NOT sell out the American people, and that you instead hold the line on the Bill of Rights. If we can’t count on you for that, what good are you to us as representatives? Thank you. 

  • PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO GRNC: Help us fight gun control while we promote Second Amendment principles. Please CLICK HERE to contribute. Bear in mind that GRNC is an all-volunteer organization, so you can be sure your donations are put to the best possible use. Any amount helps, and any amount is appreciated.


Phone Numbers
President Trump: 202-456-1111
Senate Maj. Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): (202) 224-2541
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC): (202) 224-3154
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC): (202) 224-6342 

Web Forms for Sending the Email Message
President Trump:

Senator McConnell:

Senator Burr:

Senator Tillis:




Suggested Subject: “Protect the American Promise: NO to Gun Control”  

Dear Mr. President:

Dear Senator: 

I am writing to remind you that the reasonable, freedom-loving Americans in your voting base, will not accept gun control, regardless of which party it comes from. With this in mind, I insist that you immediately back away from your current flirtation with gun control.

It is my sincere belief that your current openness to these un-American policies will turn your base away from you, and have real potential to come at the cost of the White House and great Republican losses in 2020. This would hand the country over to left-wing zealots, and that would be an absolute disaster.

While forcing unconstitutional gun control onto the American voter would render many Republicans un-electable going forward, that consequence pales in comparison to the real damage it would do to the American promise. The Bill of Rights is not for sale, no matter what sort of “great deal” you think you can artfully make with it or how many fawning headlines you believe you’ll receive in the left-wing ‘New York Times.’ Exactly zero gun control is acceptable. Period.

You must help the country avoid disaster by immediately pivoting away from gun control, and instead stand firm for the Bill of Rights. I will be monitoring your actions on this important matter through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina.




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© 2019 Grass Roots North Carolina. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution is permitted provided full attribution is given and the item is reprinted in its entirety. Address questions to:


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  • The Carolinas’ destination for quality firearms and exceptional customer service for over 20 years. We specialize in firearms and firearms-related products with unmatched expertise to help both beginners and experienced shooters find the right products to meet their needs. Charlotte’s only Five-Star indoor range!
  • DD Media
  • 8300 Raintree Lane
  • Charlotte, NC 28277
  • phone: 704-650-5555, fax: 704-544-0326 
  • North Carolina’s friendliest web forum, working to promote gun ownership in NC
  • The #1 indoor shooting range in the Carolinas. Shop, shoot and learn. Open to the public.
  • 6501 Mt. Herman Rd.
  • Raleigh, NC 27617 
  • (919) 802-2040



Corporate Patrons


  • 1818 Medfield Road
  • Raleigh, NC 27607
  • 877-428-SOLD (7653)
  • NRA / CHP Instructor & Realtor serving the Triangle area
  • Free Firearm With Home Sale or Purchase!
  • Outdoor Rifle, Handgun, Shotgun, and Archery Range located in the heart of the Carolinas. We offer Concealed carry, hunter education, and many other courses. NC & SC firearms sales and transfers. Listen to the Take Aim Training Show or online Thursdays 4-5PM.


Corporate Sponsors


  • Concealed carry permit course. We teach for NC, FL, TN, VA and other states. Instructors are law enforcement/military. State Certified. Hands-on, personal attention, all ages especially seniors. Call: 828-356-5454 or visit – “The most recommended course.” Individual and Group rates. Will travel.
  • &
  • Vanguard Security Consulting, LLC
  • 19135 W. Catawba Ave
  • Cornelius, NC 28031



Grass Roots North Carolina is a 501(c)(4) organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Contributions to GRNC are not tax deductible. “Contributions to civic leagues or other section 501(c)(4) organizations generally are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses, if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business.” IRS – Donations to Section 501(c)(4) Organizations. Please consult the IRS website,, or your tax or legal advisor for specific information.

Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 9919-807-2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State.


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