Wake County Reopens Gun Stores After GOA, GRNC Legal Warning

Grass Roots North Carolina / Forum For Firearms Education
Post Office Box 10665, Raleigh, NC 27605
877.282.0939 (Phone) 919.573.0354 (Fax) www.GRNC.org


Press Contact: 704.907.9206

E-mail: President@GRNC.org

Release date: March 30, 2020



Wake County Reopens Gun Stores

After GOA, GRNC Legal Warning


[Raleigh, NC, March 30]  Wake County, North Carolina has revised its emergency order to reopen gun stores after a letter sent by Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC and Gun Owner of America (GOA).


After threat of legal action from GRNC and GOA, Wake County reverses course to allow gun sales, and the county will follow the “stay-at-home” order issued by Gov. Roy Cooper. This order allows gun stores that practice social distancing to remain open.


GRNC President Paul Valone said: “GRNC is pleased the Wake County Board of Commissioners has acknowledged that for the safety and security of citizens, firearms retailers and related businesses are indeed part of the critical infrastructure of our country and must remain open during any state of emergency.”


GOA’s Senior Vice President Erich Pratt said: “GOA is pleased to see this reversal from Wake County. The county’s original order was an egregious infringement on the right to keep and bear arms and went against federal guidance and state law.”


Wake County has told attorneys for GRNC and GOA it will comply, saying: “We are in the process of updating our proclamation for consistency with the CISA update on March 28, 2020.” The county said litigation won’t be necessary. We will see.



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