The cage match for our republic continues…


Gun Rights Supporters:

     As I write this, the cage match for our republic continues. The presidential race is still very much unresolved. It is entirely possible that we might be looking at “President Joe Biden.”

      Regardless of how the national race turns out, however, I can say one thing with certainty: We in North Carolina did our job, and I am proud of all of us. Not only did we win the vast majority of critical races, but also defeated billionaire and anti-gun zealot Michael Bloomberg’s anointed candidates in numerous races.

      GRNC threw everything we had at this election, and the results reflect that Herculean effort. Below are preliminary results, which may change as counts are finalized, as well as what they mean for gun rights.

Federal races

      At present, incumbent Republican Senator Thom Tillis leads Democrat challenger Cal Cunningham by 96,717 votes, with approximately 117,000 absentee ballots outstanding, suggesting that Tillis will return to the Senate and that Republicans will retain narrow control of the US Senate. Cunningham, of course, has not yet conceded. The good news is that in a press conference, the NC State Board of Elections said they had counted all the ballots they had, suggesting that the 117,000 absentee ballots might not have been returned.

      U.S. House races turned out exactly as redistricting predicted. Thanks to lawsuits by Eric Holder and others, we lost two Republican seats in forced redistricting, but comfortably retained all other Republican incumbents. Better yet, we elected young conservative Madison Cawthorn in the open 11th District seat previously held by Mark Meadows, defeating leftist “step on their necks” Moe Davis.

State races

      In a difficult race, Dan Forest made a good run at Governor Roy Cooper, potentially positioning himself for 2024. But the bigger news was the Lt. Governor race, where Michael Bloomberg spent fully $2.5 million to defeat pro-gun Republican Mark Robinson (GRNC ****), the people’s will won over Bloomberg’s money and Mark Robinson will be Lt. Governor.

      Equally encouraging are judicial results, with NC Supreme Court wins by Paul Newby, Phil Berger and Tamara Barringer suggesting that conservatives may control the Supreme Court. (Note: as of this writing, Newby’s lead for Chief Justice is only 3,742, so cross your fingers.)

      Similarly, GRNC-PVF recommendations for NC Court of Appeals made a clean sweep, with by Republicans April Wood, Fred Grove, Chris Dillon, Jeff Carpenter, and Jefferson Griffin.

GRNC ‘Focus Districts’

      Also good news was GRNC’s success rate in the 34 focus districts into which we dumped hundreds of thousands of postcards, automated telephone alerts, emails, and Facebook ads – we won 27 of the 34 districts in which we were active.

     In Congressional races, GRNC-PVF was five for five; in NC House races, we won 18 of 23 races; and in the NC Senate, we won four of six.

GRNC takes out gun control leftists


Most rewarding were the seven races into which GRNC’s super-PAC, the Judicial Fairness Project, mailed against hardcore leftists who had signed the “America’s Goals” pledge to defund police. 

Here the good news is that we won in five of the seven districts targeted, including taking out anti-gun incumbent Reps. Sydney Batch, Ray Russell and Christy Clark. 

But it gets better…
          …Rep. Christy Clark, who we defeated in Mecklenburg County, was an  activist for Bloomberg’s “Moms Demand Action” and the main mover behind gun control in the legislature.

Meanwhile, we successfully defended pro-gun Reps. Larry Pittman, Jay Adams, Keith Kidwell, Jeffrey McNeely, Jon Hardister, and John Szoka, among others. 

We also took out anti-gun Rep. Joe Sam Queen in western NC, electing former Rep. Mike Clampitt, and installed pro-gun Erin Pare to replace anti-gun leftist Sydney Batch in Wake County.

I don’t know what will happen from here on the national scene. One thing I can tell you is that we helped hold on to the Senate. The other thing I can say with certainty is that the next four years will continue the cage match for our republic, our society, and our future.

Whatever the scenario, GRNC will continue to be “on watch” for your rights.


Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom

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