11/11/20: Control of U.S. Senate depends on Georgia…


Gun Rights Supporters:

In a normal election year, this would be the part where we declare victory and relax for a few months until the General Assembly and Congress reconvene in 2021.

But as we all know, this has been anything but a normal election year. Consequently, control of the U.S. Senate still hangs in the balance.

Although we won in North Carolina, retaining Republican control of Thom Tillis’ seat, two U.S. Senate elections in Georgia scheduled for runoff elections on January 5 will determine whether Sen. Chuck Schumer will be Senate Majority Leader.

It all comes down to Georgia…

Why? Because if Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue lose their runoff elections on January 5, Republicans and Democrats will each hold 50 seats in the Senate. If Biden is eventually declared the winner of the presidential election, that will give “Vice President Kamala Harris” the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, giving Democrats control.

It all comes down to Georgia, and the left knows it. There are even calls for leftists to move to Georgia in order to consolidate leftist control of our government.

If the Democrats gain control of the Senate…

If you are one of the few people in America to doubt what Joe Biden has in mind for gun owners, check out his platform at https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/, which includes:

  • Ban sale and manufacture of semi-automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines;
  • Register existing semi-autos and magazines under the 1934 National Firearms Act, which means paying $200 for each firearm or magazine, potentially tens of thousands of dollars from each gun owner;
  • Gun rationing for purchases;
  • Universal gun registration;
  • Mandatory gun owner licensing; and much, much more.

GRNC will now fight in Georgia

Worse, I’ve determined that existing gun rights organizations in Georgia don’t have what it takes to fight the battle for the runoff.

Accordingly, I am asking GRNC’s volunteers to run a “ground game” in Georgia, starting next week, working gun shows, shops and clubs, and shooting matches in order to activate Georgia gun owners to fight against Democrat control of the Senate by winning Georgia’s runoff elections.

But I need your help. The good news is that our political action committee, the GRNC Political Victory Fund won big in North Carolina.

The bad news is that we spent everything we had to win the elections. Now we need your help to keep Chuck Schumer from becoming Senate Majority Leader.

If you are like me, you’re burned out on elections. And I know you have contributed generously to GRNC-PVF to help us win the 2020 elections in North Carolina.

But we don’t have any choice: We either win in Georgia, or else Biden will make good on his promise to end the Second Amendment as we know it.

So please give us a hand by going to: www.grnc.org/grnc-pvf/donate-to-grnc-pvf
and contribute yet again to the GRNC Political Victory Fund.

With your help, GRNC will deliver yet again, this time by winning the January 5 Senate races which will determine the future of our nation.


Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom

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