No ‘red wave’ for gun rights?


Gun Rights Supporters:

For months, pundits have been predicting a “red wave” in the 2022 elections. Record inflation, skyrocketing crime, a nascent recession, and Joe Biden’s approval rating in the toilet; all of these things would hand Republicans control of Congress, they insisted. 

But then the Supreme Court rendered two decisions that caused the left to get unhinged. First came the Bruen decision, striking down not only “good cause” requirements for handgun permits, but also the “two-step” process used by leftist judges to make the Second Amendment, in the words of Justice Clarence Thomas, a “second class right.” 

Next was the reversal of Roe v. Wade (and no, I am not advocating a position either way), after which leftists rioted, burned pregnancy crisis centers, and threatened Supreme Court Justices. 

‘Red wave?’ Maybe not. 

My point is that the “red wave” is no longer assured, and the two Court decisions could drive leftists to the polls in their desperation to protect Roe v. Wade with legislation. 

Even facing the worst administration in U.S. history, we can’t take it for granted that we will win in November. As I write this, the Democratic National Committee is running scare ads claiming that if they don’t vote Democrat, gay marriage and all manner of “rights” will be reversed. 

And if we don’t win control of Congress in November, one of the nightmares that Nancy Pelosi has been passing in the US House will eventually pass the Senate

How we win…

 What I predict in November is a slugfest in which the party that turns out the most motivated voters, wins

And I don’t know about you, but I intend to win

Moreover, GRNC is about to use technology to win elections in a way that may never have been used before in our state

But winning means we need money. As you recall, GRNC is restricted by law in using membership money to influence elections, meaning we must raise funds separately for our federal political action committee, the GRNC Political Victory Fund

That forces me to come, hat in hand, asking for GRNC-PVF donations. (But not like Creepy Joe kissing “Sheik’s Yerbouti” for oil.) 

The GRNC-Political Victory Fund doesn’t just throw money at candidates. Instead, we do sophisticated “independent expenditures” – mailings, email, social media ads, radio spots and a new “secret weapon” – to “throw the bums out. 

So please, folks, contribute generously at 

As always, all-volunteer GRNC will endeavor to put your money to more efficient, effective use in defending your rights than any other group.


Armatissimi e liberissimi,



F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom


P.S. We know that thanks to the “Biden economy,” gas is pushing $5/gallon and in even bacon is up 40%. We know money is tight. But anything you can do — $250, $100, $50 or even $25 – will help us elect pro-gun candidates and defeat anti-gun candidates.



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