Paul Valone’s latest ‘Anti-Radical’ blog

Selling America to the CCP … cheap

By F. Paul Valone


Both American media and our overtly politicized FBI seem bent on ignoring what they uniformly dismissed as “Russian disinformation” prior to the 2020 elections. Despite the fact that Hunter Biden’s laptop has been confirmed to be, in fact, quite real, Tony Bobulinski, the former Biden associate who came forward in 2020 about messages on the laptop, said the FBI has never followed up on his allegations despite promises to do so.

According to Bobulinski in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, “[FBI agent] Tim Thibault, in his last discussion with my legal counsel, said, ‘Listen, we know Tony’s cooperating. We appreciate all the information he’s provided. We will follow up with you. We are definitely going to have him come in for a follow-up interview, or spend some more time on this.’ And I haven’t heard from him since. Nor have my lawyers.”

Thibault resigned (or was fired) from the FBI in August, after letters of complaint were sent by Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI), citing FBI whistleblowers who allege Thibault slow-walked the Hunter Biden investigation.

What was being buried?

At issue, of course, is not just whether Hunter Biden, but also President Joe Biden have been compromised – and potentially blackmailed – by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). First, a little history is in order. Pay careful attention, because it is all quite intentionally convoluted.

According to the New York Post

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