2024 GRNC-PVF General Election Candidate Recommendations

2024 GRNC-PVF General Election

Candidate Recommendations

Listings include only contested races


The 2022 election is a referendum not only on the Second Amendment, but on diametrically opposed plans for the future of our Republic. Key to the outcome of that election is North Carolina, which is now regarded as a hotly contested “battleground state.” Translated, the future of our Republic is now in your hands. If you fail to vote; if you fail to bring like-minded people to the polls, control of Congress and achieving a supermajority in the North Carolina General Assembly to over-ride Cooper vetoes hang in the balance.


As an additional note, political districts have changed dramatically. Consequently, do not assume you know who the incumbent will be in your district or the political leaning of the district. Please note that in uncontested General Assembly races or in races where no candidate stands out on Second Amendment issues, GRNC-PVF may choose not to make a recommendation.


Candidate recommendations versus evaluations: Below are recommendations for effective voting strategies by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Candidate recommendations, which are more limited than blanket “endorsements,” are not made in all races, only in races where a clear pro-gun candidate stands out or where strategic voting is necessary to keep anti-gun candidates out of office.


Recommendations differ from GRNC candidate evaluations. While the evaluations are intended to provide an objective measure of where candidates stand on Second Amendment issues, GRNC–PVF recommendations are analytical and therefore subject to interpretation. For a full explanation of GRNC’s objective star evaluations, go to: https://www.grnc.org/remember-in-november/grnc-candidate-evaluations-2024


Important note: Candidates who lack voting records or other history on Second Amendment issues and who fail to return GRNC’s candidate survey automatically receive a zero star evaluation (0) on the assumption that they are hiding their position from gun voters. Every election year, we receive complaints about ostensibly pro-gun candidates who receive zero star evaluations due to failure to return the survey.


Each candidate gets TWO chances to complete the GRNC survey: prior to the Primary Election, each is mailed to the address he or she registered with the State Board of Elections directing them to mail, fax, email, or complete the survey online; prior to the General Election, each gets an additional postcard directing them to complete the survey online. If they fail to return the survey twice, we cannot help candidates who will not help themselves.



This guide estimates where candidates stand on gun issues by comparing their views with those of a control group of gun owners. As noted below, a “4-STAR” candidate agrees with control group on at least 90% of gun issues, a 3-STAR agrees on least 80%, a 2-STAR on at least 70%, a 1-STAR on at least 60%, and a 0-STAR candidate agrees on less than 60% of gun issues.



Registering & Voting

Option 1: Register in-person at your county Board of Elections office or mail registration forms to the office by October 12. Forms are available at Board of Elections offices, county libraries, county offices or online at http://www.ncsbe.gov/ by clicking on “Registering,” then selecting the dropdown menu for “Registering” to select the appropriate option. [Note: Since we are now beyond Oct. 12, your only option for voting if you are not registered or need to change your registration is to use the “one-stop” registration and voting between Oct. 20 and Nov. 5.]


Option 2: You may register at DMV offices or other state agencies which dispense benefits (e.g. DSS, WIC, ESC, etc.)


Note: If you are a DMV customer with a NC driver’s license or DMV-issued ID, you may now register to vote or change certain parts of your registration online. Using this service existing DMV customers may register to vote, update their voter registration address, or update their party affiliation. For information: www.ncsbe.gov/Voters/Registering-to-Vote


Getting Voter Information

Under the “Voting” icon on the NCSBE home page at http://www.ncsbe.gov/ you will find links to look up your voter registration, one-stop voting site, Election Day polling place and provisional ballot. For early voting hours in your county, you may call your Board of Elections.


Important Deadlines for General Election

  • October 20: “One-stop” voting/registration begins.
  • November 1: Applications for absentee ballots must be received by 5 PM, but election board recommends earlier.
  • November 5: “One-stop” voting/registration ends at 3:00 PM.
  • November 8: Election Day, polls open 6:30 AM until 7:30 PM. (If you are in line by 7:30 PM, you can vote.)
  • Deadline for absentee ballots: Voted absentee ballots (placed inside the container-return envelope) must be returned to county board of elections no later than 5 PM on Election Day. Absentee ballots received after 5 PM on Election Day will be timely only if received by mail no later than 5 PM on 3rd day following date of election and postmarked on or before Election Day. Envelope may be mailed or delivered in person to county board of elections office or an open early voting site during early voting period. Only voter or voter’s near relative may return absentee ballot to board of elections.



Key to listings: Included in listings below are scores on GRNC’s candidate survey, pro-gun voting percentage, and GRNC star evaluation (0-star, *, **, ***, or ****, depending on how closely a candidate can be expected to agree with a control group of conservative gun owners). “NR” means the candidate failed to return GRNC’s survey which, for candidates without voting records, gives the candidate a 0-star (0) evaluation. See GRNC “Remember in November” candidate evaluations for a complete explanation.


Important notes about candidate recommendations:


  1. We cannot help candidates who will not help themselves: All candidates were mailed surveys to the address they registered with the State Board of Elections prior to the Primary Elections. Each who did not return the survey received a second mailing prior to the General Election. If the candidate refused to complete the survey both times and have no gun-related voting record, he or she received a GRNC 0-star evaluation and no GRNC-PVF candidate recommendation.
  2. Abbreviations: “NR” means “no response” to GRNC survey. “NV” is an incumbent who has not cast a gun vote.
  3. Races covered: With occasional exceptions, only contested races are covered. In districts where no clear gun rights supporter is running, no recommendation will be made.
  4. Interpreting a listing: Each listing contains the candidate’s GRNC star evaluation and the factor (e.g. votes, survey, etc.) which most closely represents the star evaluation. Occasionally, you will see voting records that don’t fully align with the star evaluation, possibly due to other metrics (e.g. bill sponsorship or recent deterioration in voting record). For a more complete analysis of a given candidate, see GRNC “Remember in November” candidate evaluations.
  5. GRNC-PVF recommendations are NOT “endorsements”: Recommendations are made SOLELY on Second Amendment stances. With rare exceptions, GRNC-PVF does NOT give blanket “endorsements” to candidates, nor do we study their stance on other issues.
  6. Errors: In covering 203 races and 409 candidates – including voting records, survey scores, bill sponsorship and leadership support – mistakes will occur. If you see an error, please report it to GRNC immediately and it will be corrected in online listings.


This message, supporting the candidates listed above, is authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. For more information, check www.GRNC.org

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