Stop Bloomberg from installing anti-gun politicians in NC


Gun Rights Supporters:

As you may have heard, anti-gun zealot and billionaire Michael Bloomberg is once again attacking your rights, this time by injecting another $1 million right here in North Carolina to elect anti-gun politicians.

You may also recall that GRNC has been pushing for a supermajority in order to over-ride Anti-gun Gov. Roy Cooper’s many vetoes of legislation we have shepherded. Getting that supermajority means flipping three NC House seats and two NC Senate seats.

Once we get a supermajority, we can push for constitutional carry, the purchase permit repeal, unrestricted church carry, and much more.

But in typical carpetbagger fashion, Bloomberg is trying to prevent you from achieving a supermajority by injecting New York money into North Carolina elections.  Will you let him get away with it?

GRNC throws everything it has at the 2022 elections

With a larger election effort than ever before, GRNC and its two political action committees are mailing, delivering or sending:

150,000 voter guides, including 120,000 mailed directly to gun-owning voters;

56,000 postcard election alerts into selected General Assembly races;

1+ million emails for selected candidates;

Thousands of judicial palm cards, plus recommending NC Supreme Court and Court of Appeals candidates in millions of emails;

19,000 automated phone alerts for General Assembly candidates and statewide races;

98,000 “peer-to-peer” text messages for General Assembly candidates; and

1+ million impressions for Ted Budd to gun-voters mobile devices via sophisticated “geofencing” technology.

Don’t stop now!

Thank you for helping to make all of the effort possible, but we aren’t done yet. Now we have to send Michael Bloomberg back to the sewers of New York where he belongs.

To make sure that happens, I’m afraid I have to ask you one more time to contribute to the GRNC Political Victory Fund, our federally-registered political action committee. Specifically, I need you to do three things:

VOTE GUN RIGHTS: Remember, early voting ends at 3 PM on Saturday (11/5), and that is the last day you can register and vote on the same day. And don’t just vote the big races. Remember, NC Supreme Court and NC Court of Appeals are critical to defending your rights.

GET LIKE-MINDED VOTERS TO THE POLLS: This includes not only able-bodied family, friends and other acquaintances, but also disabled and home-bound people who can still vote by absentee ballot (which must be received at the board of elections by 5 PM on November 8). Send them to for candidate recommendations.

SUPPORT GRNC-PVF: We still have more to do, so please contribute generously at 

With your help, we will prevail. 

Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom

 Author, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism


P.S. I realize that in the Biden economy, everyone is being financially squeezed. But to help end that Biden economy, please consider donating $250, $100, $50, or even $25 to help GRNC-PVF win in the 2022 elections!


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