Become a ‘PRO RKBA’ Corporate Sponsor and Advertiser!


 ‘PRO’ RKBA Corporate Sponsorships


The goals of the “Pro” RKBA corporate sponsorship program are to: 

  1. Market businesses of Second Amendment supporters to gun owners;
  2. Enable you to contribute to the gun rights movement while maintaining tax deductibility as a marketing and advertising expense;
  3. Enable GRNC to better defend the Second Amendment.


Pro RKBA membership levels:


GRNC Corporate Benefactor: $500/year: Includes web site links, top-level mention in all e-mail, fax and printed alerts, signage at GRNC events, and ½ page newsletter advertisement. From time to time (depending on current events), GRNC may also do e-mail updates specifically thanking Benefactors.


GRNC Corporate Patron: $250/year: Includes web site links, second tier mention in all e-mail, fax and printed alerts, ¼ page newsletter advertisement.


GRNC Corporate Sponsor: $125/year: Includes web site links, third tier mention in all e-mail, fax and printed alerts, business card newsletter advertisement.


In general, GRNC admonishes gun owners to: “Support merchants who support your rights!” For advertisements, if you do not have camera-ready art, we have a professional graphic artist who can layout ads. For Benefactor and Patron level sponsorship, no layout fees apply.


Contact: Please contact GRNC President Paul Valone directly at either or (704) 907-9206.

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