Misrepresenting gun tracing to smear a U.S. senator

 Grass Roots North Carolina

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Misrepresenting gun tracing to smear a U.S. senator

F. Paul Valone, “The Anti-Radical

On gun issues, never underestimate the capacity of leftist media to distort, obfuscate, and downright lie. If they can simultaneously smear a pro-Second Amendment legislator, so much the better.

Such was the piece by McClatchy newspapers, which recently spun an elaborate yarn based on firearm tracing reports and false accusations against Second Amendment defender Senator Ted Budd (R-NC). And what was Sen. Budd’s “crime?” Owning a gun shop and firing range named “ProShots” …

Read the full article on Townhall.com


F Paul Valone

President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Executive Director, Rights Watch International

Host, Guns, Politics and Freedom


*  First spoken by Niccolo Machiavelli, the father of modern power politics, with reference to the universally armed and therefore unconquerable Swiss, Armatissimi e liberissimi means “most armed, most free.” As an expression of the importance of the right to arms to freedom, it is GRNC’s credo.


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