Critical notes about the Current Runoff Election:

  • If you are already registered, but miss early voting, you can still vote on Election Day, Tuesday May 14 (find your Election Day polling place). 

  • Although his opponent has dropped out of the race, it is still important that you VOTE FOR BRAD KNOTT for US House District 13. His opponent, Kelly Daughtry, is still on the ballot, so theoretically, she could still win. Again, VOTE FOR BRAD KNOTT for US House-13

  • Below, find more detail about GRNC-PVF Recommendations, including more candidate information, and other voting details for this Runoff Election. 

Background: Under NC election law, elections in which no candidate receives at least 30% of the vote require a “second primary” (runoff) election between the two leading candidates. Second Primary Election Day is May 14, with other dates shown below. Regard this as an opportunity. Low voter turnout in runoffs means your vote counts for more. The more impact gun rights supporters can have on elections – any election – the better off we will all be. Important runoffs are for Lt. Governor, US House District 13, and State Auditor.


Candidate recommendations versus evaluations: Below are recommendations for effective voting strategies by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Candidate recommendations, which are more limited than blanket “endorsements,” are not made in all races, only in races where a clear pro-gun candidate stands out or where strategic voting is necessary to keep anti-gun candidates out of office. Note that in most cases, even pro-gun candidates are not included unless they have a primary election challenger.


Recommendations differ from GRNC candidate evaluations. While the evaluations are intended to provide an objective measure of where candidates stand on Second Amendment issues, GRNC–PVF recommendations are analytical and therefore subject to interpretation.


For an explanation of GRNC’s objective star evaluations, go to:



Important notes:

  1. Candidates who lack voting records or other history on Second Amendment issues and who fail to return GRNC’s candidate survey automatically receive a 0-star evaluation on the assumption that they are hiding their position from gun voters. Every election year, we receive complaints about ostensibly pro-gun candidates who receive zero star evaluations due to failure to return the survey. Each candidate is mailed a survey to the address he or she registered with the State Board of Elections. If they fail to return the survey, we cannot help candidates who will not help themselves.

  2. GRNC-PVF candidate recommendations generally are NOT blanket endorsements. We have analyzed nearly 200 races across the state. Unless otherwise stipulated, GRNC does not evaluate candidates on issues other than support for the Second Amendment. A GRNC-PVF recommendation does NOT reflect the candidate’s stance on other issues, and it does not reflect likelihood of winning a given race. The recommendation is merely our estimate of which candidate in a given race is most pro-gun.

  3. GRNC-PVF candidate recommendations are not given in all races. They are given only for races in which there are clear differences between the Second Amendment stances of candidates and are generally not provided for races in which a candidate is unopposed.

  4. Candidate evaluation listings: After each candidate’s name, his or her voting record (if applicable) or survey score is placed in parentheses along with their GRNC star evaluation (e.g. ****). “NR” indicates the candidate refused to return GRNC’s survey. Survey scores and voting records are expressed in percent (e.g. “survey: 92” is a survey score of 92%). If the candidate lacks a voting record, he or she gets a 0-star evaluation on the presumption that they are hiding their position.

  5. Recommended candidates: Recommended candidates’ names are printed in bold, upper case font (e.g. JOE SMITH).

  6. Vote all races: Although some races might appear to be unrelated to 2nd Amendment interests, you should vote against anti-2A candidates in order to stunt their political careers, regardless of the race.


Voter deadlines and instructions:

  • Feb 9 (5 PM): Deadline for voter registration or to update registration (e.g. for an address change). Click here for details. To check your voter registration, click here. Note: If you are registered as “unaffiliated,” you may vote in either the Democrat or Republican primary election.

  • Feb 15: Primary election One Stop Early Voting begins. Click here for details. Click here to find your One Stop Early Voting place.

  • May 7 (5 PM): Last day to submit an absentee ballot request form. Click here for information on voting by mail.

  • May 11 (3 PM): In-person One Stop Early Voting ends. This is last date you can both register and vote at same time.

  • May 14, 2022 (6:30 AM – 7:30 PM): Second Primary Election Day: Click here to find your polling place on Election Day.











District 6 (R): Although GRNC-PVF was prepared to recommend Addison McDowell (survey: 100%, GRNC ****) over Mark Walker (survey: 100%, votes: 100%, ****), Walker dropped out of the race, removing the need for a second primary. Nonetheless, GRNC-PVF recommends ADDISON MCDOWELL.


District 13 (R): The race for this redrawn and heavily Republican district (formerly held by Democrat Wiley Nickel, 0-star) was truly a free-for-all with no less than 14 candidates, guaranteeing a runoff. Those left standing are Brad Knott (survey: 100%, GRNC ****) and Kelly Daughtry (survey: NR, 0-star). The fact that Daughtry refused to answer GRNC’s candidate survey, combined with the RINO politics practiced by her father, Leo Daughtry, and the fact that she repeatedly donated to leftist candidates makes Daughtry a poor choice for the seat. GRNC-PVF strongly recommends BRAD KNOTT.







NC Lt. Governor (R): Although both Hal Weatherman (survey: 100%, GRNC ****) and Jim O’Neill (survey: 92%, ****) submitted GRNC candidate surveys, Weatherman is the clear choice. Such is Weatherman’s dedication to the right to keep and bear arms that he has public supported constitutional carry, saying:


I strongly support the effort to pass Constitutional Carry during this session of the General Assembly. It is absolutely essential for everyone in our state to be able to defend themselves and exercise their Second Amendment rights exactly as the Bill of Rights says, without infringement. With the collapse of the Southern border; untold numbers of military age men entering our country illegally from countries that wish us ill, and the overall explosion of crime our country has seen during the Biden administration; Constitutional Carry could not be more important. ” – Lt. Governor candidate Hal Weatherman.


For Lt. Governor, GRNC-PVF strongly recommends HAL WEATHERMAN.


NC State Auditor (R): Unfortunately, none of the candidates who submitted GRNC candidate surveys survived for the runoff. GRNC-PVF has no recommendation in this race.


This message supporting the above-mentioned candidates was sponsored by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

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