GRNC PVF Alert 7-19-2012: Run-Off Election Wrap-Up

GRNC Makes the Difference in Key Races
There were several races in the runoff where Grass Roots North Carolina-Political Victory Fund made the difference for gun owners. A quick break down follows.   The races for US House districts 9, 11 and North Carolina Senate District 41 were victories for GRNC-PVF gaining solid pro-gunners ROBERT PITTENGER, MARK MEADOWS and JEFF TARTE the nominations.

NC Senate 41 was particularly poignant with Tarte winning by 203 votes with the GRNC-PVF mailing, email alerts and automated calls in the district more than accounting for the margin of victory. Indeed, when “The Charlotte Observer” interviewed voters, the newspaper reported: “After casting her ballot at Lake Norman Baptist Church, Ruth Houser said she voted for Tarte because of his stand on gun control laws.” Given the failure of Republican leadership recently to pass House Bill 111 for restaurant carry, GRNC-PVF is particularly focusing on electing pro-gun leaders to the Senate.

US House District 8 was really a no lose for gun owners in the Republican primary. GRNC-PVF recommended candidate Scott Keadle due to his eagerness to provide leadership in the US House on gun issues, but winner Richard Hudson is a solid candidate that gun owners should get behind to remove Larry Kissell. The Lt. Governor race is much the same with GRNC-PVF recommending Tony Gurley due to the fact that Dan Forrest initially did not turn in a questionnaire. When Forrest did rectify this he scored 96% and four stars (****). GRNC-PVF will look forward to supporting him in the November election.

Freedom – Not Free


GRNC is restricted by law from using organizational money to advocate the election or defeat of candidates, meaning GRNC-PVF must raise money separately from membership resources. GRNC-PVF depends on your contributions to run radio spots and do mailings. Again, because our effort is all-volunteer, we are able to put your money to more efficient, effective use than any other organization.

The primaries and runoffs have taken a high toll on GRNC-PVF funds. The 2012 general election is a must win for gun owners. Remember, you make the difference.

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This alert was authorized and paid for solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory Fund.

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