Agenda: Gun advocates hope to revisit bills stymied last session

“Last session, lawmakers passed a bill that expanded the public places where concealed-carry permit holders could bring weapons, and strengthened protections for using a gun in self-defense. But a bill that would have allowed guns in restaurants and work places stalled in the Senate. Second Amendment activists would like to revisit the latter legislation this session.

The state’s main pro-gun group, Grass Roots North Carolina, also has called for a new law that would allow teachers and other school employees with permits to carry concealed handguns to bring their weapons on campus.

Whether or not GOP leaders want to tackle more pro-gun legislation in the wake of the Newtown tragedy and President Barack Obama’s gamble on public sentiment shifting toward more firearms control remains to be seen. Indeed, half a dozen of the main House sponsors of gun legislation last session are not returning, so it’s not clear yet who will take up the banner.”

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