2024 Candidate Evaluations

2024 Candidate Evaluations

Sorted by Name

Sorted by Evaluation



This guide estimates where candidates stand on gun issues by comparing their views with those of a control group of gun owners. As noted below, a “4-STAR” candidate agrees with the control group on at least 90% of gun issues, a 3-STAR agrees on least 80%, a 2-STAR on at least 70%, a 1-STAR on at least 60%, and a 0-STAR candidate agrees on less than 60% of gun issues.

Registering to vote

Option 1: Register in-person at your county Board of Elections office or mail registration forms to arrive by Oct. 11, at 5:00 PM. Forms are available at Board of Elections offices, county libraries, county offices, or online at ncsbe.gov by clicking on “Registering,” then selecting the dropdown menu for “Registering” to select the appropriate option.

Option 2: Register at DMV offices or state agencies which dispense benefits (e.g. DSS, WIC, ESC, etc.).

Option 3: Register and vote on the same day, including updating voter info (e.g. address changes) by using “same day registration” and voting between Oct. 7 and Nov. 2 as described below. To find your early voting site, go to: vt.ncsbe.gov/EVSite/. For more info on early voting, go to: ncsbe.gov/registering/how-register/register-person-during-early-voting

Note: If you are a DMV customer with a NC driver’s license or DMV-issued ID, you may now register to vote or change certain parts of your registration online. Using this service existing DMV customers may register to vote, update their voter registration address, or update their party affiliation. For information: ncsbe.gov/Voters/Registering-to-Vote

Getting Voter Information

Under the “Voting” icon on the NCSBE home page at ncsbe.gov you will find links to look up your voter registration, one-stop voting site, Election Day polling place and provisional ballot. For early voting hours, call your County Board of Elections.

General Election deadlines

  • Oct. 11: Deadline for voter registration is 5:00 PM. If you miss registration deadline you may still register and vote at the same time during the “same day registration” early voting period – Oct. 17 thru Nov. 2.
  • Oct. 17: “Same-day registration” voting/registration begins.
  • Oct. 29: Applications for absentee ballots must be received by 5:00 PM.
  • Nov. 2: “One-stop” voting/registration ends at 3:00 PM.
  • Nov. 5: Election Day, polls open 6:30 AM until 7:30 PM. (If you are in line by 7:30 PM, you can vote.) For polling place and sample ballot, go to: vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/
  • Absentee ballot deadline: Voted absentee ballots (placed inside the container-return envelope) must be returned to county board of elections no later than 7:30 PM on Election Day

Make Your Vote Count

  • Voter ID is now required: Use driver’s license or other photo ID as described at:
  • Inform yourself: This guide presents only part of the picture.  
  • Vote early if possible at your county’s one-stop voting sites, by absentee ballot; or
  • Vote on November 5 at your designated polling place between 6:30 AM and 7:30 PM.
  • Vote judicial elections! Research statewide judicial candidates at: grnc-pvf-2024-election-candidate-recommendations/
  • Support GRNC! Freedom is not free!  Join GRNC now!

What Candidate Listings Mean

GRNC’s “Remember in November” project estimates candidates’ views on “assault weapons,” concealed handguns, gun storage laws, gun rationing, other gun control and the Second Amendment.  THE EVALUATIONS HEREIN ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS.  We issued surveys first to a control group of gun owners and then to candidates. Next, we measured how closely each candidate’s views and voting record (if available) agree with the control group.  Pay more attention to voting records than survey results unless, of course, you believe politicians never lie.

Sample Listing:

Last Name Initial      Par/Dis   Survey   Vote   Other   Eval

Smith         J              R-15        95           92       95         **** 

“PAR/DIS”: Candidate’s party and district. “D”=Democrat, “L”=Libertarian, “R”=Republican. Number is district number. Example: “J Smith,” above is a Republican from the 15th District.

“SURVEY”: The percentages listed depict agreement between a given candidate and our control group (e.g. an “80” under the “Survey” section means 80% of the candidate’s answers agreed with the Conservative Gun Owners).  “NR” means the candidate failed to return the survey.

“VOTE”: Votes are more accurate than surveys and should be given more attention in determining candidate stance. Where available, this column indicates how often candidates’ votes agree with the control group of gun owners (e.g. a “90” under “Voting Record” indicates candidate’s voting record agrees 90% of the time with what was desired by control group).

“OTHER”: Derived from evaluations by other gun groups, bill sponsorship, etc.

“EVAL”: The evaluation is not a rating. It estimates percentage of time candidate is expected to agree with the Conservative Gun Owners.  The maximum **** candidate tends to agree with conservative gun owners at least 90% of the time.

**** Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 90% of gun issues
*** Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 80% of gun issues
** Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 70% of gun issues
* Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on at least 60% of gun issues
0 Expected to agree with conservative gun owners on less than 60% of gun issues or else candidate failed to return survey & insufficient information exists to make evaluation.  Is he or she hiding something?

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